Illegal Aliens Must Go!

America was built by Immigrants--LEGAL immigrants. Illegal aliens have no legal or moral basis for being in America. All illegal aliens must be deported and U.S. borders must be secured to prevent more invaders from coming here!

Monday, September 01, 2008

English versus Spanish--a Question of Racism?

By John W. Lillpop

In a rare show of wisdom, several years ago California voters passed Proposition 227 to abolish most forms of bilingual education. The premise was quite simple: When English is not spoken in the home, youngsters are at a decided disadvantage, and must, therefore, receive intensive English instruction elsewhere.

Pampering non-English speaking youngsters with bilingual instruction at school was correctly seen as counterproductive and not in the best interests of the young learners.

Unfortunately, some Hispanics educators still refuse to abide by the law and continue to teach in Spanish. One such so-called educator was recently recognized as “Teacher of the Year” by a San Diego school district. Pancho, which is not his real name, proclaimed it his duty to instruct Hispanics in their native tongue, and hailed his defiance of state law as a major accomplishment.

Were it not for the fact that California’s educational system is administered almost exclusively by out-of-touch liberals, Pancho would have been immediately fired and his teaching credentials, if any, permanently revoked.

By refusing to expose his students to the language needed to succeed in America, Pancho should also be arrested and charged with child endangerment/abuse.

As an educator, Pancho should know that California now requires students to pass a test in order to graduate from high school. One of the test subjects is English proficiency.

Do you get that, Pancho? English, not Spanish, is a requirement for high school graduation in California. The state does not test for Spanish proficiency because English is the predominate language in California and throughout the United States.

Does that bother you, Pancho? Get over it--that is the law.

Pancho probably regards those who want English to be the official language in America as “racists.”

Question to Pancho: If I am a racist for wanting English to be the official American language, by the same logic are you not a racist for preferring Spanish over English?

Given his state of confusion, Pancho probably believes that his defiance of state law is perfectly justified because bilingual education means diversity. To California liberals, “Our diversity is our greatest strength” is recognized and accepted as the new oath of allegiance to socialism.

California parents, Hispanics included, please remember this: English proficiency is required to graduate high school in California. Spanish proficiency is required to pick fruit and clean toilets.

Which future do you want for your child?