Illegal Aliens Must Go!

America was built by Immigrants--LEGAL immigrants. Illegal aliens have no legal or moral basis for being in America. All illegal aliens must be deported and U.S. borders must be secured to prevent more invaders from coming here!

Friday, May 04, 2012

Essential American Truths to Remember on Cinco de Mayo Day!

By John W. Lillpop

After watching millions of illegal aliens and advocates protest in the streets of America in recent years, it is clear that many newcomers, including those here legally, need to understand the following essential American truths, especially on Cinco de Mayo:

*In 1848, The Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo was ratified by both the U.S. and Mexican Congresses. That Treaty ended any and all claims Mexico had to land now a part of the United States.

* Native American Indians were the original owners of the American southwest. Were there were any valid property rights claims concerning that land, such rights would belong to Native American Indians, not Mexicans.

*America is a sovereign nation, totally independent of Mexico. It has been that way for over 200 years. We intend to keep it that way.

*Brown may be beautiful in Mexico. But in America, we are partial to colors that symbolize freedom under the rule of law. That would be Red, White and Blue.

*In America, Mexico is considered a FOREIGN nation and Spanish is a FOREIGN language.

*America operates according to the rule of law which applies to everyone. This is true whether one is brown, black, yellow, lily-white, red, or an exotic hybrid of lavender and green.

*Being hard-working and good hearted is commendable. But those qualities do NOT entitle anyone to enter America illegally.

*Bilingualism is cool---provided one of the languages is English. Literacy in only Mexican and Spanish is not cool in America.

*Celebrating ones cultural heritage is perfectly fine--as long as it does not interfere with complete and prompt assimilation into American culture.

* Driving while loaded or drunk may be "macho" in Mexico. But in America, driving under the influence is considered stupid and criminal and is not tolerated, regardless of one's country of origin or cultural heritage.

* People here illegally are common criminals, and as such, are most unwelcome. American citizens will fight to have such miscreants deported, regardless of whether or not families are involved. Illegal is illegal, Family or not.

* Demanding that our borders be secured and that the law be enforced is the right of all American citizens; doing so does not make any one a racist or bigot.

*U.S. immigration laws exist to protect American citizens & others here legally, not to facilitate a foreigner’s pursuit of a better life, and

*Those who come to America must adjust to our culture and traditions. We have no obligation or desire to change in deference to foreign newcomers.

Illegal aliens: Take this list with you when you are deported back to Mexico, and share it with other Mexicans considering invading.

Your experience may cause them to reconsider, and that would be a good thing!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Hispanic Population Surge: Proof Borders NOT Secure!

By John W. Lillpop

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the population of Hispanics in America has reached 50 million. See reference 1 for details.

Unfortunately, a large percentage of the growth in this demographic can be attributed to the illegal invasion of America from south of our borders.

For example, the goverment estimates that 12 million illegal aliens reside here, the overwhelming majority of whom are Hispanic. 12 million is a low ball estimate, but even so it would mean that 25% of the Hispanic population has no legal right to be here.

Leftists like Janet Napolitano prefer to call invaders “Newly Arrived Refugees,” rather than the more accurate illegal aliens.

Napolitano's double talk is simply another feeble attempt by liberals to cover up the devastating impact that illegals have on America’s homeland security, economy, education, and culture.

Napolitano is also fond of stating that the U.S.-Mexico border is secure!

However, the presence of 50 million Hispanics is living proof that the borders are anything but secure.

The fact that America spends $110 billion a year to deal with illegal aliens is further evidence that the “surge” of illegal aliens is a disaster for our great nation.

Responsible politicians must take actions, including military, to secure our borders and deport the 12-20 million illegal aliens living off the backs of American taxpayers.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Patriot Alert: America Occupied by 38 Million Illegal Aliens!


By John W. Lillpop

Upon learning that 12 twelve million illegal aliens have invaded our nation and are still occuping American soil, most Americans become alarmed and angry. What will the People think and do when they learn that the problem may actually be more than three times greater than the government admits?

A group called Californians for Population Stabilization has issued a report, which concludes that as many as 38 million illegal aliens are occupying America.


38 million illegal aliens occuping American soil!

Rather than the twelve million reported by illegal alien friendly morons in the Bush administration and U.S. Congress.


Think about it. America is supposed to operate in accordance with the rule of law.

Yet 38 million people have been able to successfully cross our borders illegally? Each and every one of whom must be regarded as a potential terrorist since we know nothing about any of them?

All of this when our commander-in-chief insists that the nation is at war?

And our government refuses to enforce existing laws by deporting illegal aliens, and in fact, would like to grant each and every one amnesty!

Clearly, governance of America has fallen into the hands of brain dead elitists who do not give a damn about U.S. sovereignty, the rule of law, our Constitution, or preservation of American language and culture.

Those are the same political nit wits anxious to pass an amnesty plan that would reward 38 million criminals with the most prized possession on the planet: U.S. Citizenship.

Fact: If illegal aliens were a separate state, it would be the most populous state in the union!

Does it make any sense for America to sponsor a subculture comprised of 38 million third-world peasants, most of whom are uneducated, unskilled and non-English speaking?

A subculture that costs taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars each year for public services?

A subculture where many actually believe that Mexico still holds claim to the southwest United States, and that “gringos” should be forced out?

A subculture where the Mexican flag is more esteemed that Old Glory?

Consider how our illegal alien population compares with the population of some foreign nations*:

34 million

27 million

20 million

North Korea:
23 million

6.5 million

4 million

Can America afford to take in human poverty nearly twice the population of Australia? Or nine times the population of Ireland?

More than the entire population of Canada?

And if we did something so foolish, how long before another 40 million illegal aliens would invade?

We the People must demand that our elected officials secure the borders immediately, with armed force if need be, and deport every last illegal alien as soon as possible.

If We the People fail to stop George W. Bush and his co-conspirators in the U.S. Congress, there will be no America to pass on to future generations.

* Source

Saturday, May 02, 2009

This Just in from the Big Apple: Hasta La Vista Cinco De Mayo!

By John W. Lillpop

Contradicting its well deserved reputation as a liberal-infested pot hole that always chooses political correctness over that which is logical and appropriate, organizers of the annual Cinco De Mayo festival in New York City have decided to do the right thing by postponing the disruptive, costly, and potentially dangerous events scheduled for next Tuesday.

As reported, in part, at, this Cinco De Mayo will be just another all-American May the 5th.

"Though the city is urging everyone to maintain their normal routine, stressing there's no reason to avoid travel to New York City, organizers for the Cinco de Mayo festival in Queens have decided to postpone this weekend's event.

"About 850,000 were expected to attend the festival at Flushing Meadows Park. It's not far from St. Francis Prep, the local epicenter of the swine flu outbreak, and also PS 177 in Flushing, where there are several suspected cases.

"While all the entertainment is coming from within the U.S., organizer Carmelo Maceda said: "We cannot control the crowd. We don't know how many people fly in from Mexico or they just went to Mexico. That's why we don't want to take that risk."

"City officials said they did not recommend the festival cancel their festivities, but Maceda said they couldn't afford to take a chance.

"We start thinking if something happened in the park as a Mexican community we don't have the power or the money to control a contamination of thousands of thousands of people," Maceda said."

Hooray for a smidgen of common sense from NYC!

Any chance you folks could share some of that rare commodity with Democrats in the White House and on Capitol Hill?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Economic Meltdown: "Great Opportunity" to Fix Illegal Alien Crisis?

By John W. Lillpop

In their rush to dole out a trillion dollars to fund liberal pet projects in the name of stimulating the battered economy, the Democrat-controlled Congress and President Obama failed to address a major domestic crisis that threatens America's homeland security, social order, and cultural heritage, and which costs taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars each year.

The issue is the unchecked invasion of our sovereign land by scores of millions of illegal aliens, mostly from the failed state of Mexico.

Ironically, many of the concerns voiced by liberals could be mitigated, at least partially, by aggressively working to solve the illegal aliens mess.

Concerned about education and overcrowded class rooms?

Removing 12-38 million invaders would reduce class sizes dramatically, and improve the quality of instruction by weeding out illegals unable to keep up because of language and cultural barriers.

Concerned about overcrowded prisons and jails and the need to spend hundreds of billions to erect even more?

Approximately 30 percent of all inmates are illegal aliens, people who should not even be here to begin with.

Concerned about run away health care costs and the tens of millions whom are uninsured?

A disproportionate percentage of illegal aliens are uninsured and do not otherwise pay for their heath care, although they somehow manage to send approximately $30 billion a year back to Mexico. Medical services not paid for by illegals are dumped on the backs of Americans who belong here.

Concerned about violent crime, drugs, gangs and the general deterioration of the rule of law?

In addition to the crime of being in America unlawfully, illegal aliens exacerbate crime in this nation.

Concerned about the loss of jobs and reduced standard of living for working Americans?

Illegal aliens undercut American citizens by working for lower wages and without benefits. In effect, they steal jobs from real Americans.


President Obama has encouraged Americans to see that the horrendous economic meltdown also includes a "great opportunity" for the future.

Perhaps the president and his colleagues in the Democrat party should set the example by taking advantage of this unique opportunity to end, and reverse, illegal immigration, a crisis that plagues the nation's economic, social, cultural, and educational systems?

For instance, unemployed American citizens should be used to complete the border fence between America and Mexico, and be trained to work with law enforcement authorities to ferret out illegals for deportation.

That would put needy Americans to work on a rule of law issue vital to our sovereignty and homeland security, and would make jobs held by illegal aliens available to citizens.

With Democrats committed to spending trillions of dollars of taxpayer money to revive the economy, why not fix the illegal alien mess, once and for all, by building a viable border fence and by sending those who have no business being here back to their nations of origin?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Scooter Libby Could Have Gotten a MUCH Better Deal!

Satire by John W.Lillpop

Juicy details emerging from the final days of Bush-43 include the disclosure that Vice President Dick Cheney waged a full-court press in an attempt to secure a complete pardon for his former chief of staff, Scooter Libby.

The VP apparently became infuriated when President Bush refused to budge on the issue and vacated the Oval Office with Scooter's felony conviction still intact.

As reported in the February 17 on-line edition of the New York Daily News, in part:

"Sources close to Cheney told the Daily News the former vice president repeatedly pressed Bush to pardon Libby, arguing his ex-chief of staff and longtime alter ego deserved a full exoneration - even though Bush had already kept Libby out of jail by commuting his 30-month prison sentence.

He tried to make it happen right up until the very end," one Cheney associate said."

Therefore, although Bush kept Scooter from serving time in prison by commuting his jail sentence in 2007, Libby remains blemished by a felony conviction, a $250,000 fine, and a two-year probation period.

Most distressing, of course, is the felony conviction.

That means that, in order to vote, Scooter will have to register as a Democrat, America's "big tent" party for the deceased, those here illegally, and felons.

ACORN volunteers and DNC leaders call it "inclusive politics," however; honest federal and state authorities classify it as voter fraud.

Raising $250,000 should be relatively easy.

All Libby needs to do is contact a liberal publisher and mention that he would like to write a tell all expose about Dick Cheney from an "insider's" perspective.

You know, dirty little secrets about Cheney's wonky heart (he does not actually have one!). The truth about shooting that lawyer in Texas (it was NOT an accident!).

How W. wanted Cheney's daughter Mary to abort her pregnancy until the president learned that the father was an illegal alien from Mexico who needed an "anchor baby" to avoid deportation.

On and on.

Make the manuscript crude enough, Scooter, and you could be on the New York Times Best Seller List before spring.

In reality, Scooter Libby could have avoided prison and made a small fortune had he played his cards differently.

Indeed, Scooter would be living the good life these days if he had only done the following:

Immediately following his conviction, Scooter should have changed his name to Jose` Libbernandez and assumed a Spanish accent.

A fake ID, including Social Security number and drivers license, were available for purchase directly from Ted Kennedy out of his office on Capitol Hill.

Next, Scooter should have scurried down to Mexico and secured a respectable amount of marijuana, cocaine, and heroine, and then scampered across the border into the U.S. at a location where one is most likely to be spotted by Border Patrol agents.

When spotted by Border Patrol, Scooter should have made a U-turn and started running back towards Mexico.

At that point, because they are racist pigs, the Border Patrol would have chased Scooter and most probably shot him in the butt.

Scooter's best bet at this point would have been: Do not panic--Your ship has finally come in!

After the Border Patrol had arrested Scooter, AKA Jose` Libbernandez, he would have been allowed one call.

Using this call wisely, Scooter would contact the nearest ACLU office, and told them he was an illegal alien from Mexico, shot in the ass by the Border Patrol on the American side of the border.

To assure immediate action by the ACLU, Scooter would mention that he had been shot while smuggling illegal drugs into the U.S.

Within 10 minutes or sooner, an ACLU lawyer would arrive at Scooter's cell and would have immediately started working on his behalf by text messaging Homeland Security guru Michael Chertoff to inform him of Scooter's awful plight.

Before Scooter was actually booked, the Chertoff goons, in concert with the ACLU, would have bailed him out and arrested all of the offending Border Patrol agents to take his place.

Scooter would then receive immunity from all crimes in exchange for his testimony against the criminals, those punks who until two hours ago were Border Patrol agents.

Early next morning, Scooter's ACLU lawyers would visit him in his executive suite at the finest hotel in town, to have him sign documents needed to sue the former Border Patrol agents, the U.S. government, and all conservative radio talk show hosts and right wing columnists.

Provided the ACLU was able to find the right leftist judge and a rigged jury, Scooter could look forward to receiving a five million-dollar judgment for his travails.

Which is nearly what one might have hauled in by selling all those drugs!

What's that, Scooter? You fear you would have been arrested by American authorities and prosecuted?

Chill out, dude!

Remember, you were Jose` Libbernandez, a good hearted, hard working, illiterate peasant who just came here to do work that Americans will not do!

You would have been part of a protected class; a man to who rule of law did not apply.

Welcome to America!

Gangs Drive Off Cops, Terrorize Mexican Town

By John W. Lillpop

Reading the headline, "Gangs Drive Off Cops, Terrorize Mexican Town," could easily cause one to assume that the town in question was Los Angeles, California.

The mistake would be understandable because Los Angeles is under the mayor ship of Antonio Villaraigosa, himself a Mexican national, who has converted a once world-class city into a safe haven for illegal aliens and other third world criminals.

In point of fact, however, the story is about carnage and violence in Villa Ahumada, a city in the nation of Mexico, where the "cactus-studded horizon" is the one thing that makes it distinguishable from Los Angeles.

As reported at Yahoo News, in part:

"VILLA AHUMADA, Mexico – For people caught inside Mexico's drug corridors, life is about keeping your head down and watching your back, especially when the sun dips behind the cactus-studded horizon.

No town knows this better than Villa Ahumada, where the entire police force quit after 70 cartel hit men roared through last spring, killing the police chief, two officers and three townspeople.

Residents were left defenseless again last week when gunmen returned and kidnapped nine people, despite the soldiers manning checkpoints far outside town.

"This was a mellow town where we would walk along main street at night. But now we're too scared to even go out," said Zaida de Santiago."

Another difference between Los Angeles and Villa Ahumada:

Being "a mellow town where people would walk along main street at night" might have been an appropriate description of Los Angeles 20 years ago, but not since the arrival of millions of illegal aliens and Antonio Villaraigosa.

President Obama and Janet Napolitano, Obama's dreadful mistake at Homeland Security, need to keep a watchful eye on events in Mexico so as to assure that Los Angeles is the only American city lost to the abyss of third-world Mexico.

Given the gravity of the situation in Mexico, Obama should also seriously consider a preemptive strike by the U.S. military to keep Mexico's tawdry mess from spilling over into the United States.


Monday, February 02, 2009

Mexican Government Admits What Many in U.S. Refuse to Accept: English-Proficiency Is Vital!

By John W. Lillpop

Far too many Hispanics in America have refused to learn English, preferring instead to retain their "cultural identify" by speaking and writing only Spanish.
As a result, American taxpayers have been forced (by irresponsible leftist bureaucrats) to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to print ballots, DMV instructions and tests, and other public information in Spanish.

Hispanics and misguided liberals make the insane argument that English is not necessary in order to be successful in America. President Obama even entered the fray by advising Americans to learn Spanish!

Notwithstanding our wrong minded president and Hispanics stuck in the 18th century, the case for English is being successfully made in Mexico.


As reported in the Houston Chronicle, in part, at Reference 1:

"CIUDAD VICTORIA, Mexico — With its economy increasingly hitched to the United States, Mexico’s government has launched an ambitious plan to teach English to every schoolchild, even those in kindergarten.

Currently, educators in 21 states and the Federal District are offering the language in a smattering of elementary schools and experimenting with teaching methods. Beginning next fall, 5,000 schools will begin a pilot project with federal textbooks and funds. And within just six years, federal officials hope to have all 12 million public elementary school students learning English.

“The ability to speak English in the 21st century is a must if we want to insert ourselves in the global economy, improve our standard of living or simply live as happier human beings,” said Fernando Gonzalez, the federal official in charge of public education through ninth grade."

How is it that Fernando Gonzalez of Mexico can see the obvious when our brilliant liberal president and millions of Hispanics are utterly clue less when it comes to this issue?

Reference 1:

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Headed to Mexico? Do Not Drink the Water or Eat the Pozole!

By John W. Lillpop

Pozole is the name of a very popular Mexican stew which includes a rich variety of meats, vegetables and seasonings.

However, hungry amigos in Mexico are thinking twice before ordering the spicy delicacy after it was disclosed that Santiago Meza López, known as “el Pozolero” in the Mexican news media, has confessed to dissolving the remains of 300 people in acid while working for a top drug trafficker.

In English, "el Pozolero" means "The Stew Maker."

As reported by Reuters (1), in part:

"OJO DE AGUA, Mexico, Jan 23 (Reuters) - A Mexican drug suspect has confessed to dissolving the bodies of 300 rivals with corrosive chemicals near the U.S. border, in a claim highlighting the brutality of Mexico`s drug war.

"Santiago Meza, known as "The Stew Maker," told journalists he did away with bodies in industrial drums on the outskirts of the violent city of Tijuana.

"More than 700 people died in Tijuana last year as rival gangs battled for control of the city`s lucrative drug trade. Many others are missing and believed dead after being abducted.

"The suspect, who was paraded before journalists by the army on Friday, said he was paid $600 a week by a breakaway faction of the Arellano Felix cartel to dispose of slain rivals with caustic soda, a highly corrosive substance.

"They brought me the bodies and I just got rid of them," Meza said at a construction site where he said he dissolved 300 corpses last year. "I didn`t feel anything."

"The bodies took 24 hours to dissolve but left some remains that were dumped in a nearby pit, Meza said.

"A high-ranking army officer told Reuters he believed Meza, who was arrested with three other people on Thursday, was telling the truth.

"Police have previously recovered human remains burned with acid in and around the city.

"Meza, 45, said he had been getting rid of bodies for 10 years.

"May they forgive me," he said, surrounded by heavily armed soldiers.

"The spiraling violence of Mexico`s drug war has cast a pall over the country and presents a huge challenge to President Felipe Calderon, who has deployed thousands of troops to crush the cartels.

"The drug war claimed 5,700 lives across Mexico last year, more than double the number of victims in 2007. (Editing by Peter Cooney)"


This report confirms the level of violence and disregard for human life in this third world nation, and should prompt the U.S. government to take immediate action.

Instead of fretting over nonsense like Rush Limbaugh, assuring that US taxpayer money is available to fund abortions, and gays in the military, President Obama needs to do that which should have been done on the afternoon of September 11, 2001:

Seal off the US-Mexico border with armed military force.

In addition, the Obama administration should immediately implement detailed plans for a preemptive military strike against our third-world neighbor to keep its gory violence from despoiling pristine American soil!

Reference 1

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Preemptive Strike Against Mexico Needed to Protect Americans!

By John W. Lillpop

As Mexico's "war on drugs" decays further and further into civil war, President Obama and Homeland Secretary Janet Napolitano need to be aware of the sub-human Mexican animals whose barbaric behavior could eventually endanger the lives and well being of Americans on the U.S. side of the border.

As reported by Reuters (1), in part:

"OJO DE AGUA, Mexico, Jan 23 (Reuters) - A Mexican drug suspect has confessed to dissolving the bodies of 300 rivals with corrosive chemicals near the U.S. border, in a claim highlighting the brutality of Mexico's drug war.

"Santiago Meza, known as "The Stew Maker," told journalists he did away with bodies in industrial drums on the outskirts of the violent city of Tijuana.

"More than 700 people died in Tijuana last year as rival gangs battled for control of the city's lucrative drug trade. Many others are missing and believed dead after being abducted.

"The suspect, who was paraded before journalists by the army on Friday, said he was paid $600 a week by a breakaway faction of the Arellano Felix cartel to dispose of slain rivals with caustic soda, a highly corrosive substance.

"They brought me the bodies and I just got rid of them," Meza said at a construction site where he said he dissolved 300 corpses last year. "I didn't feel anything."

"The bodies took 24 hours to dissolve but left some remains that were dumped in a nearby pit, Meza said.

"A high-ranking army officer told Reuters he believed Meza, who was arrested with three other people on Thursday, was telling the truth.

"Police have previously recovered human remains burned with acid in and around the city.

"Meza, 45, said he had been getting rid of bodies for 10 years.

"May they forgive me," he said, surrounded by heavily armed soldiers.

"The spiraling violence of Mexico's drug war has cast a pall over the country and presents a huge challenge to President Felipe Calderon, who has deployed thousands of troops to crush the cartels.

"The drug war claimed 5,700 lives across Mexico last year, more than double the number of victims in 2007. (Editing by Peter Cooney)"

Instead of fretting over nonsense like Rush Limbaugh, assuring that US taxpayer money is available to fund abortions, and gays in the military, President Obama needs to do that which should have been done on the afternoon of September 11, 2001:

Seal off the US-Mexico border with armed military force.

In addition, the Obama administration should immediately implement detailed plans for a preemptive military strike against our third-world neighbor to keep it's gory violence from despoiling pristine American soil!

Reference 1

Friday, January 23, 2009

Essential American Truths

By John W. Lillpop

After watching millions of illegal aliens and advocates protest in the streets of America in recent years, it is clear that many newcomers, including those here legally, need to understand the following essential American truths:

*In 1848, The Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo was ratified by both the U.S. and Mexican Congresses. That Treaty ended any and all claims Mexico had to land now a part of the United States.

* Native American Indians were the original owners of the American southwest. Were there were any valid property rights claims concerning that land, such rights would belong to Native American Indians, not Mexicans.

*America is a sovereign nation, totally independent of Mexico. It has been that way for over 200 years. We intend to keep it that way.

*Brown may be beautiful in Mexico. But in America, we are partial to colors that symbolize freedom under the rule of law. That would be Red, White and Blue.

*In America, Mexico is considered a FOREIGN nation and Spanish is a FOREIGN language.

*America operates according to the rule of law which applies to everyone. This is true whether one is brown, black, yellow, lily-white, red, or an exotic hybrid of lavender and green.

*Being hard-working and good hearted is commendable. But those qualities do NOT entitle anyone to enter America illegally.

*Bilingualism is cool---provided one of the languages is English. Literacy in only Mexican and Spanish is not cool in America.

*Celebrating ones cultural heritage is perfectly fine--as long as it does not interfere with complete and prompt assimilation into American culture.

* Driving while loaded or drunk may be "macho" in Mexico. But in America, driving under the influence is considered stupid and criminal and is not tolerated, regardless of one's country of origin or cultural heritage.

* People here illegally are common criminals, and as such, are most unwelcome. American citizens will fight to have such miscreants deported, regardless of whether or not families are involved. Illegal is illegal, Family or not.

* Demanding that our borders be secured and that the law be enforced is the right of all American citizens; doing so does not make any one a racist or bigot.

*U.S. immigration laws exist to protect American citizens & others here legally, not to facilitate a foreigner’s pursuit of a better life, and

*Those who come to America must adjust to our culture and traditions. We have no obligation or desire to change in deference to foreign newcomers.

Illegal aliens: Take this list with you when you are deported back to Mexico, and share it with other Mexicans considering invading.

Your experience may cause them to reconsider, and that would be a good thing!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Dubya Finally Gets It on Ramos and Compean--Sort of!

By John W. Lillpop

It took George W. Bush more than two years to come (almost) to his senses concerning the brutal injustice heaped upon Border Patrol agents Igancio Ramos and Jose Compean.

As reported, in part, at Breitbart:

"In his final acts of clemency, President George W. Bush on Monday commuted the prison sentences of two former U.S. Border Patrol agents whose convictions for shooting a Mexican drug dealer ignited fierce debate about illegal immigration.
Bush's decision to commute the sentences of Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, who tried to cover up the shooting, was welcomed by both Republican and Democratic members of Congress. They had long argued that the agents were merely doing their jobs, defending the American border against criminals. They also maintained that the more than 10-year prison sentences the pair was given were too harsh. "

Unfortunately, Dubya stopped short of doing the "right thing," which would have been to grant a full and complete pardon to Ramos and Compean, restitution for all pay lost because of trial and incarceration, and reinstatement of employment with the Border Patrol.

Ramos and Compean should have been released two years ago, Mr. Bush, with a letter of apology, and they should have been honored at a special ceremony in the White House Rose Garden.

However, to Dubya it would be too much to honor citizens who put their lives on the line to prevent American from being invaded by drug smuggling illegal aliens from Mexico.

Had Ramos and Compean been illegal aliens, Bush would have worked 24/7 for their release long ago!

Perhaps a message will still go out to illiterate peasant, in spite of our addled president.

That message should be:

Invading America is a serious crime that can cause you to be shot. If you do not want to be shot, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO INVADE AMERICA!


Friday, January 16, 2009

Illegal Re-emigration Huge Problem in Mexico!

By John W. Lillpop

It was bound to happen sooner or later what with so many American companies moving to Mexico: Illegal aliens originally from Mexico but squatting in America are invading their own homeland to claim those plum American jobs!

As reported in Onion, in part, see reference (1):

This is Onion Satire:

"MEXICO CITY—As dozens of major American corporations continue to move their manufacturing operations to Mexico, waves of job-seeking Mexican immigrants to the United States have begun making the deadly journey back across the border in search of better-paying Mexican-based American jobs.

"I came to this country seeking the job I sought when I first left this country," said Anuncio Reyes, 22, an undocumented worker who recrossed the U.S. border into Mexico last month, three years after leaving Mexico for the United States to work as an agricultural day laborer. "I spent everything I had to get back here. Yes, it was dangerous, and I miss my home. But as much as I love America, I have to go where the best American jobs are."

"Reyes now works as a spot-welder on the assembly line of a Maytag large-appliance plant and earns $22 a day, most of which he sends back to his family in the U.S., who in turn send a portion of that back to the original family they left in Mexico.

"Despite the considerable risk illegal immigrants face in returning across the border, many find the lure of large U.S. factory salaries hard to resist—at 15 percent of the pay of corresponding jobs in America, these positions pay three times what Mexican jobs do.

"Still, the danger is very real. When 31-year-old illegal Arizona resident Ignacio Jimenez sought employment at an American plant in Mexico, he was shot at by Mexican border guards as he attempted to illegally enter the country of his citizenship, pursued by U.S. immigration officials who thought he might be entering the country illegally, and fired upon again by a second group of U.S. Border Patrol agents charged with keeping valuable table-busing and food-delivery personnel inside American borders.

"It was a nightmare," Jimenez said. "Many became disoriented and panicked, and some were mixed in with immigrants going the other way across the Rio Grande and ended up swimming to the wrong country."

"He added: "My cousin almost drowned. They fished him out and sent him back to wash dishes at T.G.I. Friday's."

"Indeed, the trend of illegal re-emigration is causing great resentment among the local Mexican population, and tension between Mexicans and illegally re-entered Mexicans—dubbed repatriados—continues to build.

"I hate these Mexicans, always coming back here to Mexico from America and taking American jobs from the Mexicans who stayed in Mexico," said 55-year-old former Goodyear factory manager Juan-Miguel Diaz, who lost his job to a better-trained repatriado last March. "Why don't they go back to where they went to?"

"Still, Jimenez, Reyes, and hundreds of others say they have no choice.

"The American Dream is alive and well in Mexico," Reyes said. "If I work hard, save my money, and plan well, I will be able to send my children to a good school—and who knows? If they study hard, perhaps they will get jobs someday at the new plant General Motors is building in China."

Best wishes, fellows. Just keep moving SOUTH!


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

More Likely to Collapse into Chaos: Pakistan or Mexico?

By John W. Lillpop

At first blush, the question may seem superfluous, even silly . How, one might ask, can Mexico be placed in the same category as Pakistan, which is known to be unstable and an incubator for terrorists?

However, the two third world nations are about equal in terms of worse case scenarios according to U.S. Joint Forces Command on worldwide security threats.

This issue needs to be carefully considered by the Obama Administration and members of Congress because of the potential danger involved.

As reported in the El Paso times (reference 1), in part:

"Mexico is one of two countries that 'bear consideration for a rapid and sudden collapse,' according to a report by the U.S. Joint Forces Command on worldwide security threats.

"The command's 'Joint Operating Environment (JOE 2008)' report, which contains projections of global threats and potential next wars, puts Pakistan on the same level as Mexico.

"In terms of worse-case scenarios for the Joint Force and indeed the world, two large and important states bear consideration for a rapid and sudden collapse: Pakistan and Mexico.

"In the foreword, Marine Gen. J.N. Mattis, the USJFC commander, said 'Predictions about the future are always risky ... Regardless, if we do not try to forecast the future, there is no doubt that we will be caught off guard as we strive to protect this experiment in democracy that we call America.'

"The report is one in a series focusing on Mexico's internal security problems, mostly stemming from drug violence and drug corruption. In recent weeks, the Department of Homeland Security and former U.S. drug czar Barry McCaffrey issued similar alerts about Mexico.

"Despite such reports, El Pasoan Veronica Callaghan, a border business leader, said she keeps running into people in the region who 'are in denial about what is happening in Mexico.'
Last week, Mexican President Felipe Calderon instructed his embassy and consular officials to promote a positive image of Mexico."

Sounds as though Felipe Calderon is in denial about his third world nation.

Let us hope that American politicians are not!

Again, America needs to secure our borders with military force and deport all illegal aliens now here!

Reference 1:

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Mexico Is Flooding America With Illiterate Peasants!

By John W. Lillpop

Pity poor Mexico and its beleaguered president, the brain dead Felipe Calderon!

The head bandito of the third-world cesspool directly to our south is blaming the United States for the influx of weapons into his dreary nation and haven for drug kingpins.

Whilst Felipe and crew bitch about weapons headed south, these corrupt elitists continue to send millions of illiterate peasants, AKA, illegal aliens, to haunt America.

Unlike weapons which can be disarmed and melted down into lawn furniture, illegal aliens reproduce with reckless abandon, steal welfare, food stamp, education, and health care benefits to which they are not entitled, and otherwise cause America to decay into the abyss of third-world misery.

Still, perhaps we can make a deal with the goofy Calderon. When he meets with the Mexican president next week, Obama should make the following offer:

America will stop weapons from flowing across the border into Mexico, provided that Mexico keeps its illiterate peasants from invading America.

How's that, Felipe? Bueno?

A wean-wean?

Friday, January 09, 2009

Troops Needed at Border With Mexico--NOW!

By John W. Lillpop

As Mexico's "war on drugs" decays further and further into a violent civil war, the United States government is making plans to do what should have been done on the afternoon of September 11, 2001: Seal off the U.S.-Mexico border with military force.

As reported in the El Paso Times (1), in part:

"EL PASO -- If Mexico's vicious drug war ever spills into El Paso, the United States has several response plans, one of which calls for a military surge along the U.S.-Mexico border, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said this week.

"Chertoff has instructed the 22 federal agencies that fall under Homeland Security to develop border-violence response plans because the drug war in Mexico appears to be escalating, not ending. So far, more than 5,300 people have been killed across Mexico as rival drug cartels continue to fight over drug trafficking corridors.

"One drug corridor at the center of the violence is the Juárez "plaza," where more than 1,600 people were killed last year. In Mexico, "plaza" refers to a drug cartel's territory.

"We completed a contingency plan for border violence, so if we did get a significant spillover, we have a surge
-- if I may use that word -- capability to bring in not only our own assets but even to work with" the Defense Department, Chertoff told The New York Times.

"El Paso County Commissioner Dan Haggerty said the news that the U.S. has various levels of contingency plans to deal with the violence should be comforting to most El Pasoans.

"I think it is going to get worse in Mexico, and we as U.S. citizens need to be assured that Homeland Security or someone is going to protect us," he said. "We must accept that we live in a city that has been labeled as a major drug-smuggling corridor and a place for illegal immigration.

"With that type of illegal activity comes the possibility that our safety is at risk."

Although it is reassuring to know that contingency plans are in place, one wonders why the government is waiting for violence to spill over before acting?

Why not send troops to the border now to prevent any spill over and to stop additional third-world illegal aliens from invading America?


Saturday, January 03, 2009

Undocumented Boomers Headed to Mexico!

Satire By John W. Lillpop

An Open Letter To Mexican President Felipe Calderon

Dear President Calderon:

As you are no doubt aware, America the Great is quickly becoming America the Gray. The so-called "boomer" generation, comprised of approximately 40 million Americans, will soon reach retirement age.

As they age, America's boomers yearn for a less frantic pace---and a lifestyle that allows one to pause and smell the roses now and again.

In other words, boomers are looking for the "Good Life" which is supposed to accrue to those who work 45 years, pay ungodly amounts in taxes, raise a family, put children through college, and baby-sit the grandchildren.

Unfortunately, the United States is no longer as hospitable as it once was to graying citizens, especially now that our economy has collapsed.

As a result, boomers have decided to move to your beloved Mexico.

Knowing that the Mexican government is a strong supporter of open borders and liberal immigration policies, as least with respect to migrations from Mexico to America, boomers anticipate that their needs and wishes will be fully accommodated with minimal interference and bureaucratic hassle.

In plain English, boomers expect to be treated like upscale Mexican citizens, with all the perks and advantages attendant thereto.

Incidentally, we prefer to be called "undocumented boomers."

President Calderon, I am delighted to announce that 40 million undocumented American boomers are headed to Mexico!

Viva America!

Current plans call for about 500,000 boomers to cross the border into Mexico each month.

As with any complex transition, there are several "ground rules" that must be followed in order to make this change seamless.

Accordingly, your attention is directed to the following action items:

* Mexican sovereignty, borders, and immigration laws are essentially null and void with respect to undocumented boomers. No attempt should be made to enforce said restrictions on good hearted, formerly hard working Americans.

* Undocumented boomers shall receive unlimited education, food, housing, legal assistance, and geriatric care on demand, the cost of which shall be borne solely by Mexican taxpayers.

* Mexican hospitals, medical clinics, and emergency rooms shall be obligated to meet the medical needs of all undocumented boomers, without regard to ability to pay.

This obligation shall not be limited or restricted in any way because of any real or projected negative impact on Mexico's medical systems, including the loss of vital services to Mexican citizens.

* Although undocumented boomers shall not be obligated to pay for medical services received, they shall be entitled to send $30-50 billion a year back to the United States with impunity. The Mexican government shall actively facilitate the transfer of such funds to America.

* English is the only language used by undocumented boomers; boomers have no desire or obligation to learn Spanish.

* America's historic free speech, free love, and anti-war revolutions originated with activists in the boomer generation.

In keeping with the boomer tradition of aggressive activism, from time to time it may be necessary for millions of boomers to take over the streets of Mexico's large cities in order to protest proposed new laws when the "rights" of undocumented boomers are in jeopardy.

During such protests, boomers will wave Old Glory and scream "Yes, we can!" and "We are Mexico!" in English, as they protest the rule of law.

All such activities are valid free speech expressions in a thriving Democracy. As a consequence, the Mexican government shall take no action to limit or impede protests by undocumented boomers.

* We Americans celebrate the 4th of July to commemorate our independence from Great Britain. Undocumented boomers prefer to conduct business as normal on May 5 and September 16, and to reserve the 4th of July for fireworks, BBQs, and displaying Red, White, and Blue everywhere.

* Undocumented boomers shall be licensed to drive without regard to immigration status. All driver instruction and testing materials shall be in English.

* Blood relatives of undocumented boomers shall be eligible for the same reduced tuition rates offered to Mexican students in the nation legally. Immersion for the purpose of teaching Spanish is a failed concept and shall not even be attempted.

* Undocumented boomers shall be eligible to vote in Mexican elections without any requirement to prove identity.

* Grandchildren of undocumented boomers born in Mexico shall be Mexican citizens by virtue of their birth, regardless of the immigration status of their parents and grand parents, and

* Undocumented boomers are very sensitive and are easily offended. Therefore, Mexicans shall refrain from using terms like "illegal alien," "Red Neck," "Cracker,"or "Gringo" when addressing or discussing boomers.

In closing, Mr. President, let me assure you that undocumented boomers will attempt to do for Mexico what 38 million Mexican illegal aliens are currently doing to America!

With best regards and wishes for a diverse and free Mexico!

John Lillpop
San Hose, California

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Liberal Governor's Partial Epiphany on Illegal Aliens!

By John W. Lillpop

Washington State Governor Chris Gregoire is not likely to be mistaken for a right-wing ideologue anytime soon. She is, after all, the Democrat "leader" whom allowed an atheist rant to be placed next to a Nativity scene in Olympia, Washington just before Christmas. (1)

Gregoire's godless, goofy and gutless cave-in to political correctness denied good and honorable people the right to "unfettered" speech, which, although not specifically mandated by the U.S. Constitution, should be, and will be, once we regain power.

However, notwithstanding Governor Gregoire's mental deficit, a malady that afflicts all who practice liberalism for more than 15 consecutive months without a break, the grand old gal experienced somewhat of an Epiphany when it comes to the care and nurturing of illegal aliens during times of economic distress.

Specifically, because Gregoire's Washington faces a $5.7 million budget shortfall, the governor has decided that certain illegal aliens clogging up state prisons and jails should be deported. (2)

This common sense move, which should have been taken 20 years ago, will save Washington taxpayers $9 million dollars by transferring illiterate peasants back to Mexico and other points south for taxpayers in the nations of origin to deal with.

Governor Gregoire deserves kudos for taking a small baby step in the right direction. However, if she really cared about citizens and taxpayers, she would demand that all illegal aliens, not just those whom are incarcerated, be rounded up and shipped out.

In fact, because of their large families and inability to care for offspring, illegal aliens on the outside are more expensive and a greater source for fraud and abuse than amigos held behind bars.

The governor needs to take the lead in convincing Democrat governors that coddling illegal aliens is folly during good economic times and even more of a disaster during a recession.

Collectively, Democrat governors need to stop selling out American citizens just to support non-citizens with no legal or moral basis for being here.

Perhaps with good political leadership to emulate, the light of truth will spread to California, where Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger refuses to close the state's huge budget problem by demanding that illegal aliens be sent home.

As it is, California wastes more than $10 billion a year on people who do not belong here to begin with!

Of course, Hispanic nut cakes will immediately resist any efforts to remove illegal aliens by raising the canard that deportation is based on racial profiling.

Guess what, folks? Americans are fed up with the invasion of America by third-world peasants, and we the people believe it is perfectly OK to use the most effective tools available against invading criminals.

The greatest priority must be to get these scam artists and free loaders off the backs of American citizens and taxpayers!




Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas from Mexico

By John W. Lillpop

For years, President Bush has refused to enforce U.S. borders and laws against invasions from third-world Mexico based on his foolish belief that Mexicans share American family values and should be welcomed regardless of the rule of law, American sovereignty, and the well being of American citizes.

This delusional thinking ignores the fact that Mexico is a dangerous and corrupt sewer-nation that exports its raw garbage to America in the form of invading illegal aliens whom come here to live off the backs of American taxpayers.

Two current stories in the news tell the story about Mexico:

Headless in Guerrero

From Fox News (1), this report of brutal savagery and murder by Mexican heathen:

"Authorities found the decapitated bodies of nine men in the southern state of Guerrero on Sunday, and some of the victims have been identified as soldiers.

"State Public Safety Secretary Juan Salinas Altes said the bodies were found on a major boulevard in the state capital, Chilpancingo, just a few hundred yards from where the state governor was scheduled to participate in a traditional religious procession later in the day.

"Salinas Altes said experts are still trying to identify the bodies, but he said a still-undetermined number of them are soldiers. An army base is located nearby.

"Mexico has been hit by a rising wave of drug-fueled violence, and officials estimate that more than 5,300 people have died in organized-crime-related slayings so far in 2008.

"Mexican drug cartels have increasingly taken to chopping the heads off their victims, who include rival traffickers or lawmen. "On Aug. 28, a dozen decapitated bodies were found outside Merida, the capital of Yucatan state.

"Two other severed heads were found on the same boulevard in Chilpancingo on Dec. 7 alongside a sign reading: "Soldiers who are supposedly fighting crime, and they turn out to be kidnappers. This is going to happen to you."

Beauty Queen Arrested for Traveling With Alleged Mobsters

From (2), this story of a 23-year old beauty queen that should be a real hit in Mexican prisons:

"Will her beauty fade in an orange prison jumpsuit?

"The question now hangs over Laura Zuniga, 23, who emerged this summer as the reigning beauty queen of Sinaloa, the Mexican Pacific Coast state known for its stunning women and vicious gangsters.

"She won Miss Hispanic America 2008 in a November pageant in Bolivia, placed third in the Miss Mexico contest and was heading to a global competition in Asia next year.

"But Zuniga is ending the year in police custody after being arrested late Monday traveling with seven alleged mobsters, including a boyfriend identified by federal police as a top member of the so-called Juarez Cartel.

"Soldiers acting on a tip detained Zuniga and the seven men at a checkpoint as they cruised a Guadalajara suburb in two weapons-packed trucks.

"Her father told reporters in Culiacan, the Sinaloa state capital, that Zuniga told him she was going to a Christmas party.

"The jailed beauty queen told police the group was heading for Colombia and Bolivia on "a shopping trip."

"Most cocaine smuggled through Mexico to U.S. consumers comes from Bolivia or Colombia.

"Arrested along with Zuniga was Orlando Garcia Urquiza, whom Mexican federal police identified Tuesday as a top operator for the Carrillo Fuentes smuggling organization based in Ciudad Juarez, which borders El Paso."


These two stories make it clear that Mexico has all but descended into civil war and that drug cartels and beauty queens are poised to take over this miserable nation.

Yet folks like George W. Bush would have us believe that Mexicans share American values and should be welcomed here, even if illegal, by the millions. Why?

Reference (1),2933,470710,00.html

Reference (2)

Friday, December 12, 2008

More Bail Out Outrage: $197 Million to Mexico!

By John W. Lillpop

Because we the people have been so preoccupied with the $850 billion bailout of Wall Street, the wrangling back and forth for billions more in welfare to auto makers, and the hilarious sitcom in which the Democrat Party has imploded in HDTV before our very eyes, critically important news has escaped the wrath it so richly deserves.

Specifically, while Americans were focused on the ongoing demolition of our economy and serious challenges to President-elect Obama's integrity, the Bush administration released $197 million dollars to third world Mexico on December 3.

Regrettably, that is just the first payment of a $400 million aid package slated to be sent to Mexico, ostensibly to be used to fight drug cartels. (1)

Pause and ponder: While America's economy teeters on the brink of depression, the U.S. sends hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to a hopelessly corrupt, inept foreign nation, in the hope that those millions might be used to keep Mexico's drugs out of America.

That is incredibly stupid, at best. It would be like paying to have a neighbor's smelly garbage hauled away because he refuses to do so, thereby causing said garbage to overflow onto your pristine property.

Consider this report from the Los Angles Times (2), about how Mexico's highest-ranking drug official (until he resigned in July), reflects south of the border values and culture when it comes to drug cartels:

"Noe Ramirez Mandujano, a veteran federal prosecutor who headed an elite organized crime unit was arrested on suspicion of passing intelligence to drug gangsters based in the northwestern state of Sinaloa, Mexican Atty. Gen. Eduardo Medina Mora said."

That information was known to the U.S. before $197 million dollars of our money were released to Mexico. Talk about goofy thinking and good money chasing bad!

No doubt, that $197 million check from the U.S. Treasury has been deposited in a special Mexican bank account designated as the " Noe Ramirez Mandujano defense fund."

The Mexican bail out would not be quite so outrageous were it not for the fact that anywhere from 12-38 million illegal aliens from Mexico are currently squatting in America at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars in stolen public services each year.

Furthermore, millions of those illegal aliens are employed in jobs that are desperately needed by American citizens as our economy continues to unravel.

Rather than sending even another peso to corrupt Mexico, America needs to secure our borders with military force and move to deport each and every illegal alien.

How likely is that?

There is a bright side: With our nation perilously close to economic collapse, amnesty for illegal aliens is clearly dead.

However, will our leaders muster the courage to face reality and begin the process of forcibly removing illegal aliens in order to save America?

Referenced Links:



Sunday, December 07, 2008

Fix the Illegal Alien Mess as part of the Economic Recovery Plan

Open Letter to California Senators Feinstein and Boxer: Fix the Illegal Alien Mess as part of the Economic Recovery Plan

December 7, 2008

Senator Diane Feinstein
Senator Barbara Boxer
Washington, D.C.

Dear Senators Feinstein and Boxer:

President-elect Obama has recently announced his intent to approve a major economic recovery plan upon assuming office on January 20. This plan is envisioned to put millions of Americans to work on roads, bridges, schools, and other infrastructure, which has been long ignored.

It is expected that the plan will cost taxpayers at least one trillion dollars.

While the programs identified for action are important and worthy, there is yet another urgent project that should be addressed:

The public works initiative that America really needs would save all levels of government hundreds of billions of dollars a year in stolen public services; free up to 30 percent of space taken in federal, state and local prisons and jails; improve education dramatically by reducing class sizes and limiting the number of students unable to keep up because of language and cultural barriers; strengthen homeland security during time of war; significantly reduce the number of people without health insurance; and solve the jobs crisis.

Specifically, unemployed and under employed American citizens should be hired to help the federal government end, and reverse, illegal immigration, a problem that has plagued America's economic, social, cultural, and educational systems.

Those systems were designed and intended for use by tax paying citizens, rather than by free loading illegal aliens.

In working to address the illegal alien disaster, American citizens should be used to complete the border fence between the U.S. and Mexico. That fence should include appropriate fencing in every location where America shares a border with Mexico, and should be given the priority needed to complete the project within six months.

Furthermore, needy American citizens should be used to ferret out and physically return to Mexico the 12-38 million aliens currently here illegally. With minimal training, citizens could be taught how to find illegal aliens and how to work with law enforcement authorities to deport said criminals.

Not only would this project put needy Americans to work on a rule of law issue vital to our sovereignty and independence, but deporting illegals who currently hold jobs would free those positions for citizens.

With America committed to spending trillions of dollars of taxpayer money to revive an ailing economy, let us use this opportunity to fix the illegal alien mess, once and for all, by building a viable border fence and by deporting every last invading criminal back to his or her third world nation of origin.

Your support will be greatly appreciated.


John W. Lillpop
San Jose, Ca

A Worthy Public Works Project: Ending the Illegal Alien Disaster

By John W. Lillpop

While President-elect Obama schemes to put 2.5 million Americans to work on roads, bridges, schools, electronic medical records, energy and the like, there is an even more urgent project that should be perused for the benefit of our great nation.

The public works initiative that America really needs would save all levels of government hundreds of billions of dollars a year in stolen public services; free up to 30 percent of space taken at federal, state and local prisons and jails; improve education dramatically by reducing class sizes and limiting the number of students who "dumb down" the process because of language and cultural barriers; strengthen homeland security during time of war; significantly reduce the number of people without health insurance; and solve the jobs crisis.

The project: Use unemployed citizens to complete the border fence between the U.S. and Mexico. Allocate additional funds in the Economic Recovery Package to expand the border fence to every place where America shares a border with third-world Mexico.

In addition, needy American citizens should be used to ferret out and physically return to Mexico the 12-38 million invading criminals currently squatting here illegally. With minimal training, citizens could be taught how to find illegal aliens and how to work with law enforcement authorities to immediately deport said criminals.

With escorts from armed authorities, citizens could also be used to drive invading criminals to the Mexican border and oversee the off loading of said criminals on Mexican soil.

Not only would this project put needy Americans to work on a rule of law issue vital to our sovereignty and independence, but deporting illegals who currently hold jobs would free those positions for citizens.

With America committed to spending trillions of dollars of taxpayer money to revive an ailing economy, let us use this opportunity to fix the illegal alien mess, once and for all, by building a viable border fence and by deporting every last invading criminal back to his or her third world nation of origin!