Illegal Aliens Must Go!

America was built by Immigrants--LEGAL immigrants. Illegal aliens have no legal or moral basis for being in America. All illegal aliens must be deported and U.S. borders must be secured to prevent more invaders from coming here!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Avoid Jalapenos from Mexico, Not US

By John Lillpop

In yet another example of why America must look with a critical eye at anything coming from Mexico, the FDA is warning Americans to avoid Jalapenos from that nation.

Jalapenos from the US are not implicated.

The full story.


Open Letter to Governor Schwarzenegger

July 26, 2008

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814

Dear Governor:

Representative Tom Tancredo (R-Littleton) has recently written you with suggestions for dealing with the huge budget problems that confront you and the people of California.

Rep. Tancredo wisely points out that many billions of dollars are being spent to provide public services to illegal aliens, people who should not even be in America or California, and whom most assuredly are not entitled to feed at the public trough.

This past week, you proposed to reduce the income of 200,000 state employees in order to end the budget impasse. Your proposal would force state employees to live on the federal minimum wage, currently $6.55 an hour.

As you are aware, state employees are American citizens who have mortgages to pay, children to educate, and lives to live. Moreover, state employees are public servants, rather than public sponges, as is the case with illegal aliens.

Furthermore, recent events in San Francisco have made it tragically clear that the damage inflicted by illegal aliens is not limited to pilfering state resources.

Specifically, on June 22 an illegal alien from El Salvador, named Edwin Ramos, allegedly shot and killed an American man and his two sons after an argument at a traffic light.

Ramos, a twice-convicted felon, should have been deported years ago.

However, because San Francisco is a Sanctuary City, Ramos was allowed to remain in The City where he snuffed out the lives of three Americans.

From this incident and the current state budget fiasco ensues a critical question:

Why are American lives and taxpayer dollars being sacrificed in order to shield illegal aliens?

With all due respect from one whom has voted for you twice, purging the funds spent on illegal aliens is far more compassionate and responsible than punishing American citizens who work to benefit the public.

In addition, removing illegal aliens from the public trough would have the added benefit of causing these uninvited, unwelcome interlopers to self-deport, while at the same discouraging millions of others from coming here in the first place.

Forcing illegal aliens to leave our beautiful state would make our home a safer, healthier environment for all American citizens.

I encourage you to adopt the suggestions provided by Rep. Tancredo.

California must not raise taxes or take other punitive actions against American citizens while ignoring the financial and criminal damage inflicted by illegal aliens.


John W. Lillpop

Thursday, July 24, 2008

More Inhumane: ICE Raids or Shielding Illegal Alien Felons?

By John W. Lillpop

Barack Obama recently accused America of domestic terrorism against illegal aliens when he said:

"...communities are terrorized by ICE immigration raids, when nursing mothers are torn from their babies, when children come home from school to find their parents missing,..."


With all due respect, senator, babies torn from their nursing mothers will not starve, and children who come home to find their criminal parents missing will survive.

Furthermore, ICE raids are a vital tool in the war against illegal aliens. We need a 1000 percent increase in ICE raids, regardless of the impact on nursing babies!

Being caught up in an immigration raid may be inconvenient and unpleasant, but it is not, in and of itself, a life and death circumstance.

On the other hand, Americans who fall victim to terrorism at the hands of illegal aliens are not always so fortunate. Take the case of Tony Bologna and his two sons, for instance.

The Bolognas were allegedly murdered in San Francisco by an illegal alien from El Salvador, named Edwin Ramos. Ramos is a wretched monster, who had been convicted of two violent felonies earlier in his life, crimes committed while he was a juvenile illegal alien.

In most venues, Ramos would have been escorted out of town at the blunt end of a boot worn by a deportation officer.

Unfortunately, San Francisco is run by "progressive" lunatics who have designated their town as a Sanctuary City, where federal law and common sense have no standing when it comes to illegal aliens.

As a result, Edwin Ramos, a twice-convicted felon, was able to remain in San Francisco where he killed three members of the Bologna family during a road rage incident.

The real terrorists in this case are Mayor Gavin Newsom, the Board of Supervisors and other idiots in power who concern themselves with the welfare of illegal aliens and nursing babies while the well being of Americans is ignored.

Again, Mayor Newsom and his band of arrogant leftist outlaws must stop bleeding heart pandering to illegal aliens and start protecting and defending the lives of Americans!

Monday, July 21, 2008

San Franisco Shields Illegal Aliens, Americans Die

By John W.Lillpop

Illegal immigration is a "hot button" issue all across America as elected officials seek to reverse the encroachment of America by millions of foreigners who come here in willful violation of our borders and laws.

More restrictive and punitive statutes are being codified into law at the state and local levels to discourage illegal migration in the first place, and to encourage illegals already here to get the hell out.

That is true except in bastions of liberalism like San Francisco.

The City, as San Franciscans brashly refer to their famous-notorious town, decided years ago that it was to be a sanctuary-haven for illegal aliens. Thus, it became official policy that San Francisco would not cooperate with federal agencies seeking to enforce immigration law.

In an unwise extension of the policy, juveniles who also happened to be convicted felons were not turned over to Uncle Sam for deportation. Instead, bureaucrats spent scores of thousands of dollars of taxpayer money to fly youthful offenders home.

For what purpose? To keep the dossiers of the young criminals free from deportation, which would preclude reentry at a later date.

Just how that incredible waste of money was supposed to benefit taxpayers and citizens is an unsolved mystery, one that is not likely to be solved any time soon.

In addition to wasting money to fly felons home, millions of taxpayer loot was spent to house illegal aliens, rather than turning them over to authorites for assignment to federal facilities.

If that is not outrageous enough, The City recently spent $86,000 to advertise its status as a sanctuary city.

The idea was to invite illegal aliens and their families to come to The City to escape the stress and strain of "living in the shadows," that inhumane condition that upsets sensitive illegals unfortunate enough to live in municipalities that actually enforce the law.

However, recent developments have all but ended much of this liberal madness. No longer are Mayor Gavin Newsom and the other liberals who run San Francisco so eager to bring attention to The City's warped ideas on immigration.

This is so because San Francisco is being forced to face the consequences of political malpractice, and possible criminal negligence, resulting from murders committed by a man who would have been deported were it not for The City's sanctuary city policy.

Specifically, on June 22 an illegal alien from El Salvador, named Edwin Ramos, allegedly shot and killed a man and his two sons in their car after an argument at a traffic light.

Ramos, another 'good hearted, hard working' invader who came to America only to do work Americans will not do, had been convicted of two violent felonies earlier in his life.

But because San Francisco is a sanctuary city, Ramos was not deported and was thus around to snuff out the lives of Tony Bologna and his two sons during a road rage incident.

Although Mayor Newsom did close the loophole that made the killing spree perpetrated by Ramos possible, the liberal mayor remains brain dead on this issue as proven by this statement:

"I'm proud of our sanctuary city status but it is not to be used in a way that some people are using it. And that's to put other people in harm's way, to break the law," Newsom said.

Clearly, the good people of San Francisco have allowed a band of reckless lunatics to take over the Mayor's office, the Board of Supervisors, and most of the damned city.

Mayor Newsom should be forced to leave office immediately and held criminally responsible for the death of three members of the Bologna family.

To leaders in San Francisco with at least a smidgen of common sense a suggestion:

Forget your bleeding-heart concern for illegal aliens--work instead to make The City a "Sanctuary City" for innocent citizens!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Single Solution to Illegal Immigration AND Gasoline Crisis

By John W. Lillpop

There is a single solution to both the illegal invasion crisis and the skyrocketing cost of gasoline. All it takes is the political will to do what is necessary to preserve American sovereignty, language, and culture.

The solution: Require proof of US citizenship before selling gasoline to anyone whom cannot speak English! Deny gasoline to anyone who cannot, or will not, provide such proof.

Think about it: Illegal aliens should not be driving to begin with, because most states do not license such people. Denying gasoline to illegal aliens will help get these criminals off America's streets and roadways!

As it is, illegal aliens who drive (illegally) agitate the demand side of the gasoline crisis, which drives up the price of gasoline for American citizens!

Requiring proof of citizenship and denying gasoline to illegal aliens is a "one size fits all" solution to much of what ails America!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Try McDonald's Deportation Special, With Xtra Salsa..To Go!

John W. Lillpop

American citizens are generally aware of the fact that eating at McDonald's can pose a serious risk to one's health owing to the salt, fat, sugar, and carbohydrate content of food prepared there.

But how many Americans realize that dining under the Golden Arches might also expose one to ID theft and financial ruin?

That may sound far-fetched, until one considers the news coming out of a Las Vegas courtroom recently.

Two executives and the corporate owner of 11 northern Nevada McDonald's restaurants pleaded guilty to felony immigration charges and agreed to pay $1 million in fines.

Company directors Joe Gillespie of Sparks and former vice president Jimmy Moore allegedly hired illegal aliens to flip Big Macs and scoop out greasy, salt-laden French fires.

That crime was bad enough, but Gillespie and Moore went the extra mile by providing invading criminals with false identities and social security numbers belonging to Americans!


In addition to the fact that Gillespie and Moore are now convicted felons and McDonald's checking account is a cool $1,000,000.00 lighter, there is more good news: Most of the illegal aliens have been kicked out of America, sent home to their third world nations of origin!

This bizarre episode simply begs for a new McDonald's motto: How about,

"Try a Spicy McDonald's Taco, With Extra Salsa--to Go!"

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Elitists Prefer Slave Labor Over Homeland Security

By John Lillpop

George W. Bush, for reasons known only to his therapist and pet snake, has spent much of the last seven plus years working as a mole for the Mexican government, rather than serving the American people as our President.

During his two terms, Dubya's number one objective seems to have been to import enough illegal aliens so that, by comparison, his pitiful English does not sound so atrocious.

Regrettably, plans to destroy America are not an obsession with only George W. Bush. Indeed, both of the major party candidates for president are squarely on the wrong side of this critical issue.

Liberals salivate at the prospect of 38 million new instant Democrats to replace educated Americans too bright to remain puppets of the left.

Profit-driven corporations with little or no concern for homeland security, American sovereignty, rule of law, and preservation of our language and culture, are also eager to legalize millions of peasants who will work for below-minimum wage and without benefits.

Of course, elitists like Bush, John McCain, and Barack Obama and their cronies in big business can dismiss concerns about the "Mexicanization" of America because their families will be isolated from the devastation.

Elitists' children will attend private schools free from the hordes of non-English speaking invaders who impede the instruction of real American students.

Learners in the Obama family will be exposed to foreign languages, but it will more likely be French than Spanish.

Elitists' homes will be in upscale residential areas where invaders cut lawns and scrub toilets. Having served their elitist clients, invaders return to barrio slums and tiny apartments shared by multiple families.

The lawns of estates in the Bush neighborhood will not be cluttered with a half-dozen broken down cars, tended to by beer guzzling criminals screaming obscenities in Mexican.

Elitists' churches and other places of worship will remain segregated by neighborhood and wealth. The only invaders Hillary Clinton is likely to encounter at her place of worship are janitors who dust the pews and clean the baptismal font.

In other words, to out-of-touch elitists like George Bush, greedy business people, and Democrats, the deterioration of America will be virtually invisible.

However, for what remains of America's middle and lower classes, the Mexicanization of America will mean an abrupt and bitter end to the American Dream.

Liberal spin-doctors will even try to sell the ruination of America as a good thing because, according to the socialist's pledge of allegiance, "Diversity is our greatest strength!"

What hope is there if elitists in power cannot or will not understand the stupidity of open borders and amnesty?

Elitists must not be allowed to ruin our great heritage and culture for cheap labor, cheap votes, or other bizarre socialist schemes that would end the American dream for hundreds of millions of citizens who deserve much better!

Playing Ping Pong With a John McCain Supporter

By John W. Lillpop

A John McCain supporter recently challenged my criticism of the candidate's position on amnesty and posed the following question, in part:

" Are we going to insist on a strict application of the law? Are we going to increase government spending and expand police powers to root out people who have done what immigrants have done for generations? Wouldn't we be better to set a timeline and give permanent resident status to those who have become Americans while focusing on those who come here for less admirable reasons?"

My response was as follows:

This time, we had damn well better insist on strict application of the law or we can kiss America good bye!

I am sure you are familiar with the Immigration and Reform Control Act (IRCA) of 1986 which granted amnesty to about three million illegal aliens, and which set forth law for punishing employers who hire illegal aliens and for deportation of the illegals themselves.

Although amnesty was granted to millions of illegals pursuant to IRCA, the enforcement pieces were never implemented. Therefore, 12-38 million additional illegals have invaded America since 1986.

The lesson from 1986 is brutally simple: Amnesty only encourages more illegal border crossings. Period.

Unfortunately, no administration, neither Democrat nor Republican, has even attempted to enforce IRCA. Even after the terrorist attack of 9/11, our borders remain unsecured.

Surely, that must be the most outrageous scandal of our times.

Your proposal, and that of John McCain, would attract another 40 million illegal aliens, or more, to our wonderful nation.

Another point: If John McCain's amnesty were implemented, the message to the criminals-made- citizens would be: America talks tough about law and order, but they do not mean it!

Is that the sort of message that "new citizens" should be bringing to the nation?

What other laws can be ignored with impunity? Laws regarding payment of income taxes? Obeying speed limits? Drink and driving?

The mind boggles!

Some Republicans have expressed concern about alienating the Hispanic vote and rendering the Republican Party a minority for decades to come.

That argument really frightens me because it says, in essence, the following: The rule of law should be ignored if lawlessness is needed to secure votes and power.

That prospect is very frightening. If the Hispanic voting bloc can only be counted on by ignoring the rule of law, then I say ignore Hispanics and push for the rule of law!

Giving in to those who have no regard for American sovereignty or rule of law would eventually doom our nation to a third-world existence.

I also know of no quicker or more certain way to consign the Republican Party to a permanent minority status than by abandoning conservative values.

Then you have the allegiance issue. Perhaps you remember two summers ago when millions of illegal aliens took over the streets of Los Angeles, Atlanta, Chicago and Dallas to DEMAND rights that they were simply not entitled to. And they did so while hoisting Mexican flags and Spanish banners.

To put that into perspective, in a recent interview with the New York Times, John McCain was asked to name the individual he would cite as a "model" conservative.

That would be Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan, or perhaps even George W. Bush, right?

The answer: None of the above.

In fact, McCain said the following about his own political leanings: "I count myself as a conservative Republican, yet I view it to a large degree in the Theodore Roosevelt mold," McCain said.

McCain's "model" conservative was, of course, a great American, much admired for his intelligence, energy, and determination. Roosevelt was also very hawkish on America.

So much so, in fact, that one must wonder if John McCain is even aware of Roosevelt's thoughts with respect to immigration?

For example, Roosevelt said the following about immigrants and being American:

"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."
It is a wretched shame that Teddy Roosevelt is not around in 2008 to set John McCain straight on American sovereignty, language, and culture.

Think about it:

How would Teddy react to the fact that 12-38 million uneducated, illiterate peasants from Mexico have illegally crossed US borders and have taken up unlawful residence in America in violation of our immigration laws?

How would he take it upon being learning that the overwhelming majority of illegal aliens in the US do not speak or understand English, and actually refuse to learn America's language?

How would Teddy react upon learning that millions of illegal aliens marched through the streets of America with Mexican flags and Spanish banners in tow as they demanded the same rights and benefits as American citizens?

What would Teddy Roosevelt say to a "conservative" presidential candidate who favored scuttling the rule of law in order to grant amnesty to the invaders?

The really big question: How would Teddy Roosevelt react if ordered to "Press 1 for English"?

Clearly, John McCain is no Teddy Roosevelt!

In sum, I believe that America must prevent future invasions by illegal aliens AND reverse the invasions that have already taken place through a non-compromising program of deportations.

Once the United States government shows that it is serious, millions of illegal aliens will self-deport and those waiting to invade will change their plans.

The future of America is at stake and conservative values are needed to represent American interests in this vital battlefield.

In my view, John McCain does not embrace the conservative values needed in these turbulent times.

Unless Senator McCain changes his position on amnesty, I will have no choice but to vote for a conservative third-party candidate, or alternatively, not vote at all!

Final point on deportations: George W Bush, John McCain and other appeasers insist that we cannot break up families by deporting millions of illegal aliens.

With all due respect, the illegal aliens separated themselves from family when they invaded America. And, after all, we would be sending them home.

Is it impossible to deport that many people?

Pretend for a moment that instead of being illiterate peasants, the illegal alien population was made up mostly of young, middle-aged, Arabic speaking Muslim males with Jihad potential.

Would it be impossible to deport the Islamofascists? Of course not!

Deporting illegal aliens can, and must, be done for the preservation of America!

Thanks for writing and Good day!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Citizen Reacts to "Order" from World Court

July 17, 2008

The World Court
The Hague, Netherlands

Gentlemen of the Court:

We are in receipt of your ruling dated July 16, 2008, in which your deliberative body "ordered" the United States to stay the execution of five brutal killers from Mexico until their dossiers can be reviewed.

With all due respect, gentlemen, NO foreign authority on this planet, or in this or any other universe, is entitled to "order" the United States, or any of the several states, to do anything.

Unlike the limp-wrist wusses that have all but destroyed Europe, we Americans believe in the rule of law and justice for vermins like Jose Medellin who is scheduled to vacate planet Earth on August 5, 2008.

Medellin is the sub-human thug who took part in the gang rape and murder of two teenage girls 15 years ago. Over the past fifteen years, thousands of manhours have been wasted to review and appeal this murderer's case again and again.

President George W. Bush, a mole of the Mexican government rather than servant of the American people, mistakenly ordered the State of Texas to review Medellin's case, following the World Court ruling of 2004.

Bush's folly made it all the way to the United States Supreme Court, where the final court of authority in these great United States overruled the dim wit president, clearing the way for the execution on August 5.

No further review, appeal, or stalling will be tolerated.

On August 5, Jose Medellin will be put to death by lethal injection, a procedure that involves approximately the same pain one suffers when getting a flu shot.

Many American believe that Medellin should suffer greatly for the brutal disregard he had for the dignity and lives of those young girls fifteen years ago. But, because of the insanity of liberalism stateside, full justice will not be exacted.

Nonetheless,out of a sense of humanitarian concern, I have made a slight concession with regard to Jose Medellin.

Specifically, I have written President Bush and Texas Governor Perry and have "ordered" them to return Medellin's remains to Mexico for further review once the death certificate has been filed by the attending physican.

There will be a nominal-handling fee collected from the authorities in Mexico before Medellin's remains are released.

As always, we appreciate the input of the World Court on these matters. Your rulings are rich fodder for late-night comedians here.


John W Lillpop
Ordinary American Citizen

"Surge" Needed at Mexican Border!

John W. Lillpop

Those who favor amnesty for the 12-38 million illegal aliens currently in the United States have fashioned a new plea for sympathy that goes something like this:

Let's make illegal aliens LEGAL, so they will no longer have to live in the "shadows."

Political "leaders" like Barack Obama and John McCain are actually trying to sell amnesty with this illogical message.

As is the case with ALL arguments in favor of illegal aliens, the "bring them out of the shadows" nonsense is nothing but recycled snake oil.

To begin with, illegal aliens are NOT forced to live in shadows. Each and every last one of these free loading criminals is free to obey U.S. law by getting the hell out of America and returning to Mexico.


And take your freaking shadows with you!

Secondly: In recent years, millions of illegal aliens marched boldly through the streets of Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas and other American cities to DEMAND amnesty.

Many stupidly waved Mexican flags and carried Spanish banners to publicize their deamnds.

Even to the most unsophisticated observer, it was obvious that these renegade monsters were not inhibited and were certainly not timidly hiding in shadows.

The real solution to dealing with these miscreants:

Secure the borders militarily, deport all illegal aliens currently here, and enforce existing immigration laws.

In other words, let's have a "surge" at the border and in the barrios to rid America of this third world parasite!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Barack Obama Issues Fatwa Against American Citizens

By John W. Lillpop

If inflammatory, anti-American rhetoric is any indication, Barack Obama appears to have issued a Fatwa against English-speaking, law abiding American citizens and their institutions.

Speaking at a "Trolling for Hispanic Votes" event at La Raza, the charismatic Democrat took on the Immigration Control and Enforcement (ICE) agency, essentially accusing ICE agents and other law enforcement authorities of being domestic terrorists.

This on the heels of a tirade in which Obama berated Americans for not being more bilingual.

Forget that Obama himself is an English only dude: Pay heed to what this arrogant fascist says, not what he does!

In addition, the closet Jihadist admonished American citizens to be sure that their children could speak Spanish, after chiding those folks for being too partial to English.

So while the charismatic Obama continues to campaign under the banner of CHANGE, he seems manacled to old school "wedge" politics.

Were he a true patriot, Obama could provide a far greater service to America and its citizens by pressuring Hispanic parents to teach their children the following essential truths about America:

* America is a sovereign nation, completely independent of Mexico. It has been that way for more than 200 years, and we intend to keep it that way.

* In 1848, The Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo was ratified by both the United States and Mexican congresses. That Treaty satisfied any and all claims Mexico had to land now part of the United States.

* Native Indians were the original landowners of what is now the Southwestern United States. Any valid “chain of title” belongs to Native American Indians, not Mexicans.

* Brown may be beautiful in Latin America. But in the United States, we are partial to colors that symbolize freedom under the rule of law. That would be Red, White and Blue.

* In America, Mexico is a foreign nation and Spanish is a foreign language.

* Being hard working and good hearted is commendable, but those qualities do not entitle anyone to enter the United States illegally.

* Speaking two or more languages is fine-- provided one of the languages is English. Literacy in Spanish but not English is not acceptable.

* Celebrating ones cultural heritage is perfectly fine--provided it does not interfere with assimilation into American culture.

* U.S. immigration laws exist to protect American citizens & others here legally, not to facilitate a foreigner’s pursuit of a better life, and

* Those who come to America must adjust to our culture and traditions. We have no obligation or desire to change our way of living to accommodate foreign newcomers.

Now that is the message that Barack Obama should be delivering to Hispanic families!

Concerned About "Wasted" Lives? Then Deport Illegal Aliens!

By John W. Lillpop

Two years ago, Senator Barack Obama called the loss of 3,100 Americans (at the time)in the war on terror "wasted lives."

Unfortuately,the liberal Democrat does not have the same concern about lives lost here at home to illegal aliens.

As documented in a report by Joseph Farah and titled "Illegal Aliens Murder 12 Americans Daily," illegal aliens murder an average of 4,380 Americans each year.

And that does not include the 4,750 Americans killed by drunken illegal aliens every year! That, by the way, equals 23,725 "wasted lives," since 9/11. (And about 2,000 more than the "surge" that President Bush has ordered)

Go here:

Really concerned about "wasted lives," Obama? Then work to secure our borders, enforce existing laws, and deport all criminal illegal aliens now residing in America!

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.


Sunday, July 13, 2008

John McCain: You're No Teddy Roosevelt!

By John W. Lillpop

In a recent interview with the New York Times, John McCain was asked to name the individual he would cite as a "model" conservative.

That would be Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan, or perhaps even George W. Bush, right?

The answer: None of the above.

In fact, McCain said the following about his own political leanings: "I count myself as a conservative Republican, yet I view it to a large degree in the Theodore Roosevelt mold,” McCain said.


McCain's "model" was of course a great American, much admired for his intelligence, energy, and determination. Roosevelt was also very hawkish on America.

So much so, in fact, that one must wonder if John McCain is even aware of Roosevelt's thoughts with respect to immigration?

In 1907, for example, Roosevelt said the following about immigrants and being American:

"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

It is a wretched shame that Teddy Roosevelt is not around in 2008 to set John McCain straight on American sovereignty, language, and culture.

Think about it:

How would Teddy react to the fact that 12-38 million uneducated, illiterate peasants from Mexico have illegally crossed US borders and have taken up unlawful residence in America in violation of our immigration laws?

How would he take it upon being learning that the overwhelming majority of illegal aliens in the US do not speak or understand English, and actually refuse to learn America's language?

How would Teddy react upon learning that millions of illegal aliens marched through the streets of America with Mexican flags and Spanish banners in tow as they demanded the same rights and benefits as American citizens?

What would Teddy Roosevelt say to a "conservative" presidential candidate who favored scuttling the rule of law in order to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens?

The really big question: How would Teddy Roosevelt react if ordered to "Press 1 for English"?

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Comrade Obama, an Embarrassment in Any Language

By John W. Lillpop

Once again, a black elitist from the Obama family has administered a public trashing of America and its people.

This time the flogging came not from a flighty leftist who would be "First Lady," but from the man himself, the dude who would occupy the Oval Office and answer the Red Phone as Commander-in-Chief.

While campaigning to be Numero Uno recently, Comrade Barack Obama allowed mindless liberalism to dominate his rhetoric when he said:

"Instead of worrying about whether immigrants can learn English, they’ll learn English, you need to make sure your child can speak Spanish.”

“You should be thinking about how can your child become bilingual,” he said. “We should have every child speaking more than one language. It is embarrassing when Europeans come over here, they all speak English, they speak French, they speak German. And then we go over to Europe and all we can say is merci beacoup, right?”


In light of this tirade of babble, perhaps Comrade Obama can answer two simple questions:

If Europeans from across the great pond can speak English, why in the hell are millions of Mexicans from just a couple of hundred miles away unable to do so? , and

Why is taxpayer money wasted to provide information in Spanish and other languages to those who refuse to learn English?

Obama's warped reasoning seems to follow this illogical sequence:

1. America has a moral obligation to grant amnesty to millions of Mexicans and other Hispanics who have invaded the United States.

2. Once 12-38 million illegal aliens have been amnestied, Americans will have no choice but to learn Spanish in order to make things comfortable for the large population of once criminal newcomers.

That bit of illogic is Liberalism 101, in a nutshell.

Like most Democrats, Obama seems to favor a sub-nation of bi-illiteracy; that is, millions of peasants illiterate in both English and Spanish, but who can be taught VOTE DEMOCRAT in a hurry!

What next Comrade Obama? Mandatory instruction in Arabic? Russian?

The bottom line is that Barack Obama's position with respect to language and immigration is a huge embarrassment, bordering on insanity, in any language.

By the way, Mr. Obama, should you be elected, and should that Red Phone wake you up at 2 AM some morning, please do not answer the phone, "Que?"

During national emergencies, English only communications will be greatly appreciated, sir!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

How Do You Say, “I Want to Cut His N*** Off” In Spanish?

Satire By John W. Lillpop

No one can deny that Reverend Jesse Jackson is many things to many people. However, no one has ever accused the Reverend of being overly sophisticated or temperate in his language and or behavior.

That is unlikely to change as Reverend Jackson seeks to contain the firestorm resulting from his crude, intemperate remarks about Barack Obama on national television.

Specifically, in a video aired on FOX network, Jackson leans over and whispers, "See, Barack been, um, talking down to black people on this faith based ... I want cut his n**s off ... Barack ... he's talking down to black people."


For emphasis, Jackson appeared to make a stabbing or cutting motion with his hand.

While Jackson was unveiling his scheme to neuter Barack Obama on national television, the would- be target of the "unkindest cut" was actually helping make Jackson's case by admonishing American parents to "make sure your children can speak Spanish."


For that bit of idiotic and unseemly vote trolling, Obama should be gelded on national television (FOX), as soon as it can be verified that Obama has "n***" to begin with, or that he has flip-flopped on the issue, whichever comes first.

Some unsolicited advise for Reverend Jackson seems appropriate: Reverend, in order to prevent this sort of mix-up again, perhaps you should speak Spanish when plotting to undo a brother's masculinity and reproductive rights on right-wing television?

Brother Obama would appreciate it!

Urgent Plea to John McCain Concerning Illegal Aliens

July 9, 2008

Senator John McCain
United States Senate
Washington, D.C.

Dear Senator McCain:

Over the past several months, you have campaigned vigorously for the so-called Hispanic vote. Regrettably, that means that you continue to favor a path to citizenship (amnesty) for millions of illegal aliens.

In meeting with La Raza, going behind closed doors with Hispanic leaders in Chicago, and by visiting Columbia and Mexico, you have apparently joined your Democrat opponent in a bidding war to determine whom can do the most to appease those who have little or no regard for American sovereignty and the rule of law.

With all due respect, your advocacy on behalf of illegal aliens ignores the economic, social, educational, and cultural burdens that would be unfairly dumped on the backs of American citizens, most of whom are also taxpayers.

Furthermore, immigration reform anything like the McCain-Kennedy proposals from last summer would encourage millions now living in Mexico and other points south of our borders to come here illegally, thereby further jeopardizing homeland security and adding more distress to American citizens.

While in Mexico, you spoke about the need to secure US borders before reforming immigration law. On other occasions, you have vowed that your number one priority, if elected, would be immigration reform including a path to citizenship.

Senator, while your position on illegal aliens may endear you to some Hispanics, the simple fact is that it may cost you far more votes from conservatives who must insist on responsible governance in accordance with the rule of law.

Your opponent is widely regarded as a flip-flopping socialist who would be an unmitigated disaster for America, particularly if Democrats expand their majorities in the next Congress.

To be perfectly candid, I know of no conservative who would even consider voting for your Democratic rival. However, given your untenable position on illegal aliens, many conservatives will also be unable to vote for you.

That could mean a default victory for the radical socialist from Illinois.

Is that what you fought and sacrificed for in Vietnam, Senator?

Your unworthy opponent has developed a much-deserved reputation as one who flip-flops on critical issues.

Normally, that would be a negative trait for any politician, but in the case of John McCain and his position on illegal aliens, a flip-flop just might save his career and all of America.

Senator McCain, will you please reconsider your position on illegal aliens?

Why not embrace a plan that immediately secures the borders, deports those here illegally, and requires an orderly and lawful process for all people wishing to join us and partake of the American Dream?

Why not a plan that is fair for all people?

Why not a plan that respects American citizens and honors immigrants who stand in line, wait their turn, and follow the rules?

Why not a plan that will make it possible for conservatives to rally behind the candidacy of John McCain with gusto and hope?

Thank you for your consideration, Senator.


John W. Lillpop

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Imports from Mexico Halted! Lou Dobbs for President!

John W. Lillpop

With respect to the salmonella scandal, CNN reports the following Breaking News:

"Starting Monday, health inspectors will halt the shipment of ingredients common to Mexican cuisine from Mexico to the United States, sources familiar with the salmonella poisoning investigation said.

"The inquiry, which initially focused solely on tomatoes, has expanded
to include cilantro, Jalapeño peppers, Serrano peppers, scallions and bulb onions..."


The unanswered question: Why did it take the government so long to act?

Why indeed? After all, on June 19 Lou Dobbs pointed out that the Bush administration was not meeting its responsibility to protect the American people from the salmonella scandal.

Dobbs, intrepid truth warrior, went on to call for the impeachment of President W. Bush owing to Dubya's reluctance to offend Mexico, even when the health and lives of Americans were at risk!

In a remarkable display of intelligence, courage, and wisdom seldom seen on CNN Dobbs' said,

"You know, I have heard a lot of reasons over the years as to why George W. Bush should be impeached. For them to leave the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in this state, its leadership in this sorry condition and to have no capacity apparently or will to protect the American consumer – that is alone to me sufficient reason to impeach a president who has made this agency possible and has ripped its guts out in its ability to protect the American consumer. It’s insane what is going on here."

Dobbs' argument in a nutshell: Just Say NO! to Tomatoes, Jalapeño Peppers, etc., from Mexico!

As it turns out, Dobbs was exactly right, as he always is, and Dubya is guilty, as he always is, of appeasing Mexico, even when harm is inflicted on American citizens.

Again, Lou Dobbs has refused to buckle to political correctness when reporting the news.

Pity America does not have a president, or major-party presidential candidate, with the cahones and intellect of Lou Dobbs!

Texas To Expunge Mexican Garbage on August 5th

John W. Lillpop

Despite the frantic efforts of our moronic president, the great state of Texas is scheduled to purge Mexican-born Jose Medellin from this earthly existence on August 5.

Its called justice, however, in the case of Jose Medellin, death by lethal injection is not really just.

For substantiating facts, consider, please, this Associated Press report concerning one Jose Medellin:

"Medellin was convicted in the June 1993 torture, rape and strangling of Elizabeth Pena, 16, and Jennifer Ertman, 14. The Houston girls, whose bodies were found four days after they failed to return from a friend’s house, had been attacked as they took a shortcut along some railroad tracks and stumbled on a group drinking beer after initiating a new gang member. Evidence showed the girls were gang raped for more than an hour, then were kicked and beaten before being strangled by a belt or shoelaces."

Now that is work that Americans refuse to do!

Clearly, Medellin is another sterling example of the "good hearted, hard working" sub-human garbage from Mexico that George W. Bush is so fond of.

Medellin's date with death was set by a state district judge in Houston after the US Supreme Court in March voted against hearing Medellin's case. The panel said President Bush overstepped his authority by trying to order Texas to reopen his case and the cases of 50 others born in Mexico and condemned for murders in the U.S.


So as of now, August 5 looks to be a day worthy of celebration and rejoicing as Texas deports Jose Medellin with great finality.

Which means that there are only 30 postal days left in which to send Medellin a thoroughly disgusting postcard featuring photographs of the death chamber and a local dump, labeled "Adios, Dude!" and "Mexican garbage only!" respectively.

To which one should add, "About damn time!"

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Governor Gavin Newsom?

By John W. Lillpop

Dear San Francisco Taxpayers:

So, the administration of Mayor Gavin Newsom has spent $2.3 million of your money to house juvenile illegal aliens, rather than turning the felons over to federal authorities for deportation.

In addition, some kids were flown home to Honduras at your expense because some airhead bureaucrat was concerned that deportations on the brats' records would have kept them from coming back to America in the future. *

Has anyone checked the water in San Francisco lately for IQ diluting toxins? Being outrageously liberal is bad enough, but when your elected leaders deliberately work to shield foreign felons from justice, on the taxpayer's dime no less, isn't it time to at least consider a different approach, a new ideology, another party?

Mind you, all may not be lost if this stupendous act of stupidity and poor judgment terminates Newsom's aspirations for higher elective office.

Governor Newsom? Senator Newsom? President Newsom? The mind boggles!

* SF Gate:

Illegal Aliens Anonymous

Satire by John W. Lillpop

Alcoholic Anonymous has earned worldwide fame for its success in treating people afflicted with alcoholism. The heart of AA is the twelve step program which, when followed religiously, usually delivers the gift of sobriety.

Illegal aliens are much the same as alcoholics; in fact, many invaders are drunks. Because of the urgent need to rehabilitate these good hearted, hard working criminals, the steps of AA have been adopted to the lives and times of illegal aliens.

As could be expected, the original version of the Twelve Steps of Illegal Aliens is in guttural Mexican, written and produced in San Francisco.

What follows is an English translation, offered for the benefit of taxpayers that need to know how their money is wasted on illegal aliens.


1. We admitted we were powerless over our relentless drive to violate US borders and law in order to invade America and steal public services to which we are are not entitled.

2. Came to believe that Deportations by a power greater than ourselves could be thwarted by simply moving to San Francisco and other bastions of anti-American insanity known as sanctuary cities.

3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to La Raza, the ACLU, the DNC, Barack Obama, and John McCain, and the mainstream media.

4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. Finding none, we found "Family Values do not end at the Rio Grande" to be a mindless slogan uttered by a mindless politician bent on mindless pandering to Hispanics and mindless obstruction of the rule of law.

5. Admitted to no one, especially to agents of the Border patrol, Homeland Security, ICE, the Minutemen, and local law authorities, the exact nature of our wrongs.

6. Were entirely ready to march and riot in the streets should ICE or any other law enforcement agency even consider deporting illegal aliens to the Mexican side of the border.

7. Humbly asked Barack Obama and John McCain to grant amnesty to our sorry, brown butts no later than 1 PM on January 20, 2009.

8. Would have made a list of all persons we had harmed, and would have been willing to make amends to them all, were it not for the fact that we are but a collection of illiterate peasants who could care less about the fate of gringos foolish enough to get in our way.

9. Would never make direct amends to such people, especially since doing so would bring horrific damage to the Mexican economy and the sacred objectives of the Reconquesta movement.

10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly denied it and shouted RACISM! non-stop at the very top of our lungs.

11. Sought through alcohol and illegal drugs to improve our conscious contact with the omnipotent Illegal Alien in the Sky, as we understood Him, praying only for free tacos and ice-cold beer to sustain us throughout the scalding summer.

12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we carried this message to other illegal aliens and encouraged them all to vote Democrat in the November elections.

Happy rehab, Pancho!