Illegal Aliens Must Go!

America was built by Immigrants--LEGAL immigrants. Illegal aliens have no legal or moral basis for being in America. All illegal aliens must be deported and U.S. borders must be secured to prevent more invaders from coming here!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

How Do You Say "Equal Time" In Spanish?

By John W. Lillpop

Liberal politicians keen on reinstating a "Fairness Doctrine" clearly have their sights set on Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity and other right-wing luminaries.

But once liberals open that particular can of worms, they may be less than thrilled at what comes crawling out.

For instance, Mexican DJ and former illegal alien Eddie "Piolín" Sotelo, native of Mexico, broadcasts from a Spanish language radio station in Los Angeles and is a strong advocate for illegal aliens.

Not satisfied with merely invading America himself, Piolín apparently believes that any Hispanic/Latino/Mexican who unilaterally decides to come to America should be entitled to do so without regard to U.S. borders and immigration laws.

The fact that all other peoples of the world are required to wait their turn in line and jump through hoops in order to come here legally is irrelevant to Piolín.

His attitude, and that of La Raza, seems to be "Because of their ethnicity, Hispanics/Latinos/Mexicans are above the rule of law and borders!"

Activists looking to eradicate racism and bigotry should start with the likes of Piolín and La Raza, rather than disparaging patriotic Americans who demand that existing laws be enforced, even when it comes to "The Race."

Piolín's disdain for the rule of law even motivated him to travel from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C., in order to deliver what were alleged to be one million letters from amnesty supporters. Unfortunately for the politically naive DJ, the letters were all signed by illegal aliens and were in Spanish.

Even more embarrassing for Piolín, many of the boxes containing the "one million letters" he boasted so proudly of turned out to be empty.

After S 1639 was defeated in the U.S. Senate on June 28, Piolín's distress was palpable, leading the DJ to shed alligator tears from behind his live microphone while on the air.

The impact of Piolín's on-air histrionics with his base audience (mostly illegal aliens) is unclear.

However, it is obvious that he did provide scores of millions of patriotic, English speaking American citizens with a round of belly laughs and material for party toasts that are still being enjoyed in more sophisticated circles.

But back to the issue: How would a liberal "Fairness Doctrine" impact Spanish language stations like the one on which Piolín spews his pro-illegal alien, anti-American propaganda and race baiting?

Would that radio station be forced to provide equal time to a commentator who would remind his audience that illegal aliens do not belong in America and should, by law, be deported?

Would the inflammatory rhetoric used by Piolín to drive illegal aliens to the streets in order to demand non-existent "rights" be offset by a voice(s) of reason that would encourage young Latinos to stay in school?

In other words, before acting hastily, liberals need to answer a crucial question: How do you say "equal time" in Spanish?

John W. Lillpop
San Jose Ca

Racism and Bigotry Invade Latin America!

By John W. Lillpop

While Republicans and other patriots who demand secure borders and an end to illegal immigration are pummeled to excess by leftists and other bleeding hearts, the fact is that this issue is increasingly seen as a serious problem throughout the global.

Significantly, Latin American governments are starting to consider steps that can be taken to end and reverse the flow of illegal aliens into their nations--including good hearted, hard working, Spanish-speaking neighbors.

The maturation of Latin America on this issue is described in detail at:

Miami Herald:

Of course, liberals and RINOs like George Bush will claim that Latin American leaders who are finally "getting it" are just racist bigots suffering from aggravated xenophobia!

Isn't about time to face the truth on this subject?

Friday, June 29, 2007

Why Not Give "Rule of Law" a Chance?

By John W. Lillpop

Now that another nail has been driven into the coffin of amnesty, politicians in Washington are wringing their hands in angst at what to do next. The status quo, they say, is unacceptable.

They are quite right about that, you know.

But America does NOT need to legalize 12-30 illegal aliens in order to solve the illegal alien nightmare.

Existing laws, while not perfect, provide a more than adequate remedy. Those laws prohibit U.S. employers from hiring illegal aliens and mandate deportation of those here illegally.

All that is lacking is a commitment on the part of the president and the U.S. Congress to uphold their constitutional responsibilities.

Why not try this simple formula?

* Secure the borders with military force;

* Prosecute employers who hire illegal aliens, and

* Enforce all immigration laws, including deportations.

Or, to steal and bastardize a slogan from past anti-war campaigns, "Give Rule of Law a Chance!"

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

America 53, Mexico 46! How SWEET It Is!

By John W. Lillpop

Joy to the world!

Let me repeat that: JOY TO THE WORLD!

American patriots just received a huge birthday gift from the United States Senate and, along with it, a new reason to celebrate the 4th of July!

Prodded to action by WE THE PEOPLE, 53 courageous and patriotic American senators said NADA! to the invasion of America by third world illegal aliens!

They said YES! to the rule of law and common sense!

They said NADA! to mindless amnesty for millions of invading illiterate criminals!

They said YES! to American sovereignty, homeland security, and preservation of American language and culture!

They said NADA! to officials from Mexico and huge corporate interests who thought they could buy the U.S. Senate!

They said YES! to enforcing border security and existing laws!

They said NADA! to La Raza and other Hispanic racist organizations, the ACLU, the DNC, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy, Lindsey Graham, John McCain.

And most especially, the United States Senate said NADA to the worst president in U.S. history, George W. Bush!

God Bless America!


John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Gasoline Rationing In Iran? How SWEET It Is!

By John W. Lillpop

While President Bush and like minded evil doers in the United States Senate work overtime to obviate the rule of law in order to appease 12-30 million illegal aliens, there ARE other news items worthy of mention.

One of the most uplifting stories comes from Tehran, Iran, where it is reported that because of limited refining capacity, the government has decided to ration the amount of gasoline available to private vehicles.

Limited refining capacity? Iran sits on some of the largest and most valuable oil reserves in the world, and cannot meet its own gasoline needs?

My first thought upon hearing this great news: There IS a God, and He is on our side!

My second thought: How SWEET the irony!

To be perfectly honest, it sounds as though Iran is suffering from the same sort of myopic vision and self-defeating idiocy that Democrats have used to destroy energy independence here in the U.S!

Since when have the likes of Al Gore, Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid managed to infiltrate the Iranian government and influence energy policy?

Must be that God fellow again!

As would be expected, average Iranians are not amused by the gasoline rationing kerfuffel.

Armed with torches, stones, and other instruments of free speech common to "Religion of Peace" devotees, irate Iranians took to the streets to express their displeasure generally and with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad specifically.


What a pity things are just not working out for Mahmoud.

Perhaps the goofy Islamofascist should abandon all that inflammatory rhetoric about destroying Israel, and concentrate instead on domestic issues more germane to Iran's economy and well being.

Like installing additional refining capacity, for heaven's sake.

As one who specializies in the science of Complex Problem Solving, it seems to me as though America's illegal alien problem and Iran's refining capacity issue could be solved with a creative bit of "triangulation diplomacy."

Herewith the Lillpop strategery: Ship several million illegal aliens from California to Iran to work as refinery laborers. Give them Halliburton employee badges and tell them to report to Ahmadinejad for free health care, food stamps, housing, education, and welfare.

Warn the illegal aliens that all conversations must be in Arabic, Friday afternoon is officially reserved for mosque attendance, there is no "Miller Time," tacos and burritos have never been heard of, and defacing the body with tattoos is a felony punishable by being stoned to death!

How's that for a "win-win"?

My bet is that once word about my plan leaks out, illegal aliens will decide that Mexico is not so bad after all and that going back there, and pronto, makes perfect sense!

One thing is certain: The Lillpop Plan makes about as much sense as the foolish amnesty bill now before congress!

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Mr. President, Your Helicopter Is Ready!

By John W. Lillpop

With his presidency in shambles and his legacy as "The worst president in American history" all but set in concrete, is it not time for George W. Bush to face reality and spare the nation and the world nearly four more months of grief?

From the total and complete abandonment of border security and immigration law enforcement at home, to out of control spending resulting in trillions of dollars in debt being dumped on the backs of future generations, and to inept and foolish mismanagement of foreign relations that has united the world against America, George W. Bush has done enough damage to America.

Now this human wrecking ball wants American taxpayers to pick up a $700 billion dollar tab to bail out corrupts bankers and whoremongers posing as corrupt bankers.

Enough is enough, by George!

We the people know that the latest Bush proposal is the economic equivalent of 9/11. A domestic act of economic terrorism against people who pay their bills, go to work every day, and live honest lives.

In 1974, America was confronted with a rascal in the White House by the name of Richard M. Nixon. For all his faults, Nixon was generally regard as an intelligent and capable man.

Unfortunately, Nixon was also a despicable crook.

But in 1974, the Republican party was blessed to have a few leaders with cajones and a passion for America. Those noble Republicans walked into the White House at an appropriate time and let Nixon know that his time had elapsed and that, in the interests of the nation and himself, it was time to go.

To his credit, Richard M. Nixon did the honorable thing by resigning the presidency. On August 9, 1974, President Nixon boarded an Air Force helicopter on the lawn of the White House and made his way home to California.

America was grateful for the fact that our "national nightmare was over" and the healing process began immediately.

Today's challenge: Are there are any Republican senators and or house members with cajones?

America needs three of four patriots to deliver a Nixon-like message to George W. Bush namely, "Mr. President, Your Helicopter is Ready!"

By leaving now, Mr. Bush can accomplish the most noble and patriotic act of his presidency.

And America can begin healing.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Open Letter to Senate Majority Leader Reid

June 26, 2007

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
United States Senate
Washington, D.C.

Dear Majority Leader Reid:

In 1993, America was overwhelmed by millions of aliens who defied our borders and immigration laws and came here unlawfully.

As a responsible steward of the United States Constitution and a dedicated patriot at the time, on August 5, 1993 you released the following statement to the floor of the U.S. Senate to the address the illegal alien crisis:

“In response to increased terrorism and abuse of social programs by aliens, (I) today introduced the first and only comprehensive immigration reform bill in Congress. Currently, an alien living illegally in the United States often pays no taxes but receives unemployment, welfare, free medical care, and other federal benefits. Recent terrorist acts, including the World Trade Center bombing, have underscored the need to keep violent criminals out of the country.”

Your bill, titled the “Immigration Stabilization Act,” would have overhauled the nation's immigration laws, and called for a massive scale-down of immigrants allowed into the country.

You went on to say, in part:

"Our borders have overflowed with illegal immigrants placing tremendous burdens on our criminal justice system, schools and social programs. The Immigration and Naturalization Service needs the ability to step up enforcement. Our federal wallet is stretched to the limit by illegal aliens getting welfare, food stamps, medical care, and other benefits often without paying any taxes.”

“Safeguards like welfare and free medical care are in place to boost Americans in need of short-term assistance. These programs were not meant to entice freeloaders and scam artists from around the world. Even worse, Americans have seen heinous crimes committed by individuals who are here illegally.”

Specific provisions proposed by you in the Immigration Stabilization Act included:

* Reduced annual legal immigration levels. Relatives other than spouse or minor children admitted only if already on immigration waiting lists and their admission does not raise annual immigration levels above approved level.

* Reformed asylum rules to prevent aliens from entering the United States illegally under phony "asylum" claims.

* Expanded list of felonies considered "aggravated" felonies requiring exclusion and deportation of criminal aliens. Allows courts to order deportation at time of sentencing.

* Increased penalties for failing to depart or re-entering the United States after a final order of deportation order. Increases maximum penalties for visa fraud from five years to 10 years.

* Curtailed alien smuggling by authorizing interdiction and repatriation of aliens seeking to enter the United States unlawfully by sea. Increases penalties for alien smuggling.

* Added "alien smuggling" to the list of crimes subject to sanctions under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act.

* Expanded the categories of property that are forfeited when used to facilitate the smuggling or harboring of illegal aliens.

* Clarified that a person born in the United States to an alien mother who is not a lawful resident is not a U.S. citizen. This will eliminate incentive for pregnant alien women to enter the United States illegally, often at risk to mother and child, for the purpose of acquiring citizenship for the child and accompanying federal financial benefits.

* Mandated that aliens who cannot demonstrably support themselves without public or private assistance are excludable. This will prevent admission of aliens likely to be dependent on public financial support. This requirement extends to the sponsor of any family sponsored immigrant.

* Increased border security and patrol officer positions.

Unfortunately, Majority Leader Reid, America did not heed your warning in 1993.

As a result, the problems you described so eloquently in 1993 have grown completely out of control. America is now inundated with 12-30 million "freeloaders and scam artists."

Most distressing is the fact that, although our nation has been at war since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, millions of illegal aliens continue to invade America, seemingly at will, every year.

Unlike your excellent proposal in 1993, the so-called "comprehensive" immigration reform bill now before the senate is an amnesty bill.

Although one can quibble over the technical and legal definition of amnesty, the following description of S 1639 is irrefutable:

S 1639 would result in blanket and unconditional legalization of at least 12 million people who have ignored and violated U.S. borders and immigration laws.

That may not fit the exact definition of amnesty, but it is surely unwise, foolish, and perhaps even un-American.

America is supposed to operate under the rule of law, but S 1639 would ignore that principle of governance in order to legalize people who simply have no respect or regard for law, and who have no legal basis for being here.

In addition, of the 12 million or more illegal aliens currently here, how many are terrorists who harbor the goal of killing millions of innocent Americans?

How prudent is it to assume that there are no terrorists among those millions of illegal aliens? Has America reached the point where access to cheap labor is more important than homeland security?

S 1639 would legalize 12-30 million illegal aliens whom the federal government knows absolutely nothing about.

America simply cannot afford such a reckless and irresponsible policy in the name of "comprehensive" reform.

Majority Leader Reid, you were exactly right in 1993.

Please follow your original instincts and vote NO on this ill advised and very dangerous legislation.

Thank you.


San Jose, California

Open Letter To Senators Feinstein and Boxer

June 26, 2007

Dear Senators,

With respect to the so-called "comprehensive" immigration reform bill now before the senate, although one can quibble over the technical and legal definition of amnesty, the following description of S 1639 is irrefutable:

S 1639 would result in blanket and unconditional legalization of at least 12 million people who have ignored and violated U.S. borders and immigration laws.

That may not be within the exact definition of amnesty, but it is surely unwise, foolish, and perhaps even un-American.

America is supposed to operate under the rule of law, but S 1639 would ignore that principle of governance in order to legalize people who simply have no respect or regard for law, and who have no legal basis for being here.

In addition, America is at war, perhaps the most ferocious and dangerous struggle our freedom-loving republic has ever encountered.

Of the 12 million or more illegal aliens currently here, how many are terrorists who harbor the goal of killing millions of innocent Americans?

How prudent is it to assume that there are no terrorists among those millions of illegal aliens? Has America reached the point where access to cheap labor is more important than homeland security?

S 1639 would legalize 12 million illegal aliens whom the federal government knows absolutely nothing about.

America simply cannot afford such a reckless and irresponsible policy in the name of "comprehensive" reform.

Please vote NO on cloture for this ill advised and very dangerous legislation.

Thank you.


John W Lillpop
San Jose, California

Monday, June 25, 2007

Will George Bush Get His "Signing Ceremony"? At What Cost to America?

By John W. Lillpop

Picture the ugly scene, if you have the heart and or stomach:

A breaking news bulletin interrupts regular broadcasting during prime time. Television cameras zoom in on the White House where a historic piece of legislation is being about to become law by virtue of approval by President G.W. Bush.

At the center of the stage sits President Bush, smiling broadly at the Democrats and RINOs who made amnesty for illegal aliens possible. That would include Democrat senators Reid and Kennedy, and Republicans Graham and McCain. The U.S. House would be represented by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the Sanchez sisters, and other advocates for illegal aliens.

With a stroke of his presidential pen, G. W. Bush will grant legal status to the 12-30 million illegal alien criminals who have invaded America since 1986, when wholesale amnesty was last granted. Once Bush is finished, former illegal aliens will comprise anywhere from 3-8% of the total United States population.

Nearly all of the “hardworking, goodhearted” illegal aliens that Bush will legalize will vote Democrat for the remainder of their lives, thereby effectively ending the two party system in America.

Mexicans still living in Mexico, but disenchanted with life there, will see the latest amnesty as a sure sign that invading America can be accomplished with impunity. It will be abundantly clear that America’s “conservative” president is adamant in his refusal to enforce U.S. borders and immigration laws.

Thus, scores of millions of additional illegal aliens will head north with little or no concern for U.S. borders and immigration laws.

George Bush will go down in history as the president who actively campaigned for the invasion of America by foreigners from a third-world nation. He will be remembered as the president who discarded American sovereignty, rule of law, language, and culture in exchange for cheap lettuce and fruit.

He will also be remembered as the president who sent American men and women 8,000 miles from home to fight for Iraq and Afghanistan, but who abandoned the American people at our southern border.

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

USA Pounds Mexico--In Soccer! Viva America!

By John W Lillpop

In what must surely be a good omen concerning the fate of amnesty in the U.S. Senate, the United States outsmarted and outplayed Mexico to win the Gold Cup, the championship of North and Central America and the Caribbean.

The match, played in Chicago, was won by the Americans by a 2-1 margin.

A summary of the game was FAXED to all 100 United States Senators to remind them of America's superiority in soccer and of the urgent need to keep it that way.

The following cover letter was included:

Dear Senator __________:

Heard the great news from Chicago today?

The United States extended its utter and complete dominance over Mexico in world soccer play. The "good guys" throttled the bad ones 2-1, in a thrilling contest with particular relevance in today's heated debate about amnesty for criminals.

The salient point, senator, is that amnesty would dump 12-30 million additional potential soccer players into the U.S.

However, most illegal aliens are incapable of abandoning their emotional ties to third world Mexico, and cannot be trusted to defend the Red, White, and Blue.

Therefore, in the best interest of continued U.S. dominance in the critical world of soccer, I urge you to vote NO! against cloture and NO! against amnesty, should it make it to the senate floor.

There is an overarching truth and principle involved here:

We don't need no stinkin' Mexicans to win at soccer!


John Lillpop

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Illegal Aliens: What Shadows?

John W. Lillpop

Those who favor amnesty for the 12-30 million illegal aliens currently in the United States have fashioned a new plea for sympathy that goes something like this:

Let's make illegal aliens LEGAL, so they will no longer have to live in the "shadows."

Political leaders like Ted Kennedy, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and even George Bush are actually trying to sell amnesty with this illogical message.

As is the case with ALL arguments in favor of illegal aliens, the "bring them out of the shadows" nonsense is nothing but recycled snake oil.

To begin with, illegal aliens are NOT forced to live in shadows. Each and every last one of these free loading criminals is free to obey U.S. law by getting the hell out of America and returning to Mexico.


And take your shadows with you!

Secondly: In 2006, millions of illegal aliens marched boldly through the streets of Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas and other American cities to DEMAND amnesty.

Many stupidly waved Mexican flags and shouted absurdities in Spanish.

Even to the most unsophisticated observer, it was obvious that these renegade mobsters were not inhibited and were certainly not timidly hiding in shadows.

The real solution to dealing with these miscreants:

Secure the borders militarily, deport all illegal aliens currently here, and enforce existing immigration laws.

That will solve the "shadows" crisis in a hurry.

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Illegal Aliens Deserve "Respect?" For What?

By John W. Lillpop

In one of his most nauseating arguments in favor of amnesty, President Bush has taken to arrogantly demanding "respect" for invading criminals.

According to Dubya, we are blessed to have 38 million illegal aliens here, and are wrong for treating the criminals like clones of the late Rodney Dangerfield.

Respect them for what, sir?

Consider the facts. Illegal aliens have:

* Invaded America by ignoring U.S. borders and immigration laws.

* Hampered homeland security and the ability of the federal government to detect and deal with potential terrorists.

* Murdered and or killed 25 Americans every day (on average).

* Plundered public services to which they are not entitled.

* Caused educators to "dumb down" class room studies in order to accommodate masses of non-English speakers.

* Forced U.S. hospitals and other medical facilities into bankruptcy, thereby making those facilities unavailable to U.S. citizens.

* Managed to send $30-50 billion a year back to Mexico each year, despite the fact that they cannot or will not pay for medical services received.

* Engaged in wholesale identity theft inflicting great harm to the credit and financial status of millions of innocent Americas.

* Depressed wages and the earning power of American citizens and their families.

* Invaded America for the express purpose of producing "anchor babies" to shield themselves from deportation.

* Refused to learn English.

* Taken over the streets of large U.S. cities in order to demand "rights"
to which they are not entitled.

* Waved the Mexican flag and shouted, "Yes, we can!" and "We are America!" in Spanish as they protest the rule of law.

* Turned May 5 into a day known for rampant public drunkenness and violence, rather than celebration of culture and heritage.

* Voted unlawfully in American elections.

And for this they are owed respect?

With all due respect, Mr. President, the only thing America owes any invading criminal is a solid kick in the ass, a one-way trip back to Mexico, and a permanent ban to keep these scum from ever stepping foot in America again!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Talk Radio Outrage: Piolín's Million Letter Fraud

Satire By John W. Lillpop

When Trent Lott unloaded on talk radio last week, everyone just assumed that the Mississippi malcontent was assaulting patriots like Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, and other luminaries willing to tell the truth about the scam that is immigration reform.

As it turns out, talk radio is a clear and present danger to our democracy, culture, language, and homeland security.

But the danger comes not from American icons like Limbaugh, but from a former illegal alien by the name of 'Piolin.'

Escorted by thugs from the Mexican Mafia, posing as good hearted, hard working peasants, Piolin roared into Washington, D.C. and into the welcoming arms of inebriated dim wits like Teddy Kennedy who desperately wants amnesty to pass in order to keep the wages of cocktail waitresses and bartenders suppressed.

Spanish- speaking bar help will work for below minimum wage, without benefits, and they do not expect gratuities. These are vital considerations to a 70s something senator who spends most of his time in his cups rather than on the floor of the U.S. Senate.

Note: Sometimes Teddy is in his cups and on the floor of the U.S. Senate at the same time.

But back to this character Piolin. After mixing several batches of cocktails for Teddy, this renegade delivered what were purported to be a million letters from people who support amnesty.

Two immediate problems surfaced with Piolin's pile on. All of the missives were signed by illegal aliens and all were in Spanish!

Undeterred, Kennedy and his anti-American colleagues eagerly accepted several boxes of letters and pointed to them as proof that millions of people are on his side and support amnesty.

That certainly seemed impressive until the full extend of Piolin's fraud was exposed: Most of the boxes supposedly containing proof of a swelling public sentiment in favor of amnesty were empty.

Flat empty, much like the head of Piolin and the gringo drunk from Massachusetts.

Still, some good did result from the Piolin fraud: It kept him off the air and out of California for a fortnight.

And that is a good thing!

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Should W Consider Early Retirement? In Mexico?

Satire By John W. Lillpop

Given W's untreatable Mexican fetish, it may be prudent to simply shove him out of Air Force One, swaddled in a golden parachute, somewhere over Mexico City.

Remember that the man is 61 years old, and is obviously growing weary and older by the minute. Burned out seems an appropriate diagnosis.

And why shouldn't he be burned out?

After all, working 24/7 to help millions of illiterate peasants invade America is hard work that would wear anyone out!

Even more taxing: Trying to convince non-retarded Americans that the invasion is good for the U.S. economy.

Still even more taxing: Selling the notion that granting amnesty and a path to citizenship to criminals is vital to the national interest.

Just keeping a straight face while delivering that snake oil pitch day after day would be enough to drive most people into mental meltdown.

One wonders: Is that where our president and Mexico's most powerful insider mole is headed?

Some of W's recent pronouncements seem to confirm that his mental stability is "borderline," to say the least:

In April, W roared that amnesty is needed to take pressure off the borders! 12-30 million illegal aliens in our midst and there is too much pressure on the borders?

In May, W said that the amnesty bill before the senate would restore rule of law.

Really? That is almost like saying, "America is governed by the rule of law, except when inconvenient to large corporations and elitists. In which case, congress and the president will simply change the law to legalize what had been illegal, thereby acquitting those guilty of behavior once considered unlawful."

Using the same logic, perhaps we should work to end the crime of armed bank robbery by simply expunging laws that make it unlawful to rob banks?

It was also in May that W appointed a war czar to take over the messes he has created in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as any other wars he might fancy between now and January 20, 2009.

While he was at it, one wonders why W did not appoint a border czar to shut down the borders and begin deportations?

Or is that Michael Chertoff's responsibility when he is not busy campaigning for amnesty or auditioning for acting roles as The Anti-Christ?

In June, W declared that he will throw an extra $4.4 billion dollars at border security, if only the senate will reconsider S 1348.

This dilly begs the obvious question: If $4.4 billion will make America safer and is vital to homeland security, why has W not acted sooner?

Like September 12, 2001, just to pick a random date out of the air?

Clearly, W is struggling to keep track of his missteps and dances around the truth. He seems to be losing that battle, and needs a long, long, stress free vacation.

We the American people also need a rest. We are BUSHed, to put it mildly.

And other than Bush 41 and his sidekick, Moms Bush, who honestly believes that America can survive another 18 months of the W "Presidency and Legacy Building Enterprise?"

Perhaps a few patriotic Republicans should quietly visit the Oval Office and convince W to hang up his pilot's helmet and take early retirement.

Offer him an attractive golden parachute package and a luxurious villa in Mexico, and W might just take the bait.

Dropping W on the Mexican side of the border would serve other purposes:

Americans would exact a measure of revenge against Mexico for dumping millions of illegal aliens on the American side of the border, and

Best of all, America would have one less English-challenged amnesty crusader to deal with!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Bush Tells Conservatives to Shut Up, Urges Hispanics to Speak Up!

By John W. Lillpop

In the ongoing kerfuffel over illegal immigration, President Bush recently unloaded on conservatives for speaking out and acting up against the foolish amnesty bill S 1348.

Bush began his assault by accusing conservatives of not wanting what is best for America, and then ripped a page straight from the liberal game book by branding his opponents as racists.

Although this boorish behavior is a despicable outrage, it is actually a good sign because it is a clear indication that amnesty supporters are losing the war of ideas, and have nothing left with which to do battle except childish name calling.

Interestingly enough, while Bush was doing his utmost to discourage free speech from conservatives who hold views different from his own, the president was most anxious to assure that Hispanic voices were heard.

"There's a lot of emotion on this issue, and it makes sense to have people from around the country come and sit down with members of Congress to talk rationally about the issue," he told those attending the Hispanic Prayer Breakfast in Washington on June 15.


Especially those who just happen to agree with you on amnesty, Mr. President?

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Status Quo Unacceptable, Mr. President?

By John W. Lillpop

When President Bush arrogantly declares that the "status quo is unacceptable," with respect to immigration, he does so with such indignation that one almost forgets that the status is as it is because of the president's own refusal to fulfill his constitutional obligations.

Lest we forget, it is this president who has refused to secure our borders, refused to enforce immigration laws, and refuses to even consider deporting millions of third-world illegal aliens who have flooded into America during his failed tenure.

Following the events of 9/11, one would have expected our "war on terror" president to seal the borders and to do everything humanly possible to prevent illegal crossings into America.

Instead, George W. Bush has foolishly resisted--not just ignored, but actively resisted! -- any and all attempts to bring sanity to U.S. immigration policy.

And now, after nearly six years of mind-boggling incompetence bordering on treason, George W. Bush steps forward to complain that the system is broken and that the status quo is unacceptable?

An analogy is called for: The smoke alarm in your master bedroom goes off and the rest of your home quickly fills with smoke. Rather than calling 911 or the fire department, you decide to do nothing and, in fact, physically prevent your spouse and children from calling for help.

After one hour, your once beautiful luxury mansion has burned to the ground and you are left with 9,200 square feet of smoldering ruins.

At that point, you announce that the fire prevention system in your city is broken, and you belligerently advise the city that the status quo is unacceptable.

You conclude by demanding immediate and "comprehensive" reform of city fire policies.

Logic 101, and Fire Fighting for Dummies, according to Dubya!

Why, oh why, does this president resort to switch and bait tactics in his foolish attempts to ram a flawed amnesty scheme down the throats of the American public?

Why does he fail (or refuse) to see that America does not need "comprehensive" immigration reform, or non-comprehensive reform, for that matter.


Existing laws provide mechanisms for foreigners to apply for entry into the United States for the purpose of work, education, and the like.

Existing laws provide for people within or outside America to apply for U.S. citizenship.

Existing laws define U.S. borders and prescribe severe penalties for those who cross our borders illegally.

Existing laws authorize border patrol personnel to act in order to keep aliens from invading America.

Existing laws require employers to verify the "right to work" status of each job applicant. Employers who fail to do so are subject to severe criminal and monetary punishments.

Existing laws set forth procedures for apprehending and deporting illegal aliens.

Unfortunately for this president and like-minded opponents of common sense, existing regulations do not grant automatic legalization and a path to citizenship to every third-world peasant who decides to skip formalities by jumping a fence and heading north.

Existing laws are perfectly fine and will work well---provided they are enforced.

The federal government has had 20 years in which to enforce the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. Instead of delivering reform and control, the government has saddled the American public with an additional 12-30 million illegal aliens, many of who have invaded America after 9/11, some of who are probably terrorists.

The problem is not with existing laws, rather it is with the refusal of our president and congress to enforce the law, as they have sworn under oath to do.

The last thing that America needs is a new 1,000- page law that grants amnesty to 12-30 million illegal aliens while codifying another batch of laws that the government will ignore and refuse to enforce.

The solution is?

Force this belligerent and out-of-touch president and congress to forsake their Mexican sponsors long enough to address the needs of the American people!

America don't need no stinkin' immigration reform!

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Open Letter to President Bush on Comprehensive Immigration Reform

June 14, 2007

President George W. Bush
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C.

Dear President Bush,

Reports indicate that your administration has agreed to an "up front infusion" of $4.4 billion toward border security as a concession to win senate approval of S. 1348.

With all due respect, Mr. President, one wonders why this action was not taken a long time ago?

Indeed, if adding $4.4 billion is in the national interest and vital for homeland security today, why was this step not initiated on September 12, 2001?

The American people, including this proud American, remain very skeptical and angry over attempts at "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" which we see as amnesty.

Although one can quibble over the technical or legal definition of amnesty, there can be no doubt about how most Americans feel on this subject:

Any legislation that rewards those who have violated U.S. borders and immigration laws is wrong. Call it amnesty, guest worker, compassionate conservatism, or whatever you wish.

The fact is that rewarding illegal aliens will simply encourage additional millions of impoverished third-world aliens to invade America.

We have been through this before, Mr. President.

In 1986, America tried amnesty with passage of the Immigration Reform and Control Act. IRCA was enacted based on the promise that it would end illegal immigration once and for all. Unfortunately, the Act has never been enforced and has provided neither reform nor control.

As a result an additional 12-30 million aliens have entered America unlawfully since 1986.


Several years ago, congress approved additional agents for the border patrol, including appropriation of funds. Those positions were not filled.


In 2006, a border security fence was authorized by congress. That fence has not been built, although thousands of illegal aliens stream into America every day.


The original version of S. 1348 submitted by congress to your administration included a requirement that would have forced illegal aliens to pay back taxes. We understand that that provision has been removed from the bill at the behest of the administration.

Why? Particularly since the average American citizen with an outstanding tax obligation has his/her wages garnished and is otherwise hounded mercilessly by the IRS and its contractors.

In summary, and again with all due respect Mr. President, we simply do not believe that our elected representatives are acting in the best interests of the American people.

S. 1348 is an example of the obvious disconnect between the governed and the government on this vital issue.

Solving illegal immigration is not really complex. Given sufficient political will and a desire to defend America, the problem can be solved in a few simple steps:

* Secure U.S. borders with military force if need be.

* Enforce all existing immigration laws presently in effect, including IRCA.

* Systematically and intelligently begin the process of deporting those here illegally.

Until these basic steps have been implemented, I am demanding that my elected representatives refuse to support any legislation labeled as "comprehensive reform," when said legislation is, is fact, amnesty.

I sincerely hope that you will reconsider your position on this issue before it is too late for America and the Republican party.

By the way, just for the record, I voted for you in the 2000 presidential election.

However, if S. 1348 or anything like it is signed into law, I will never again vote for any Republican candidate in any local, state, or federal election.


John W. Lillpop
San Jose, California

Elitists Prefer Slave Labor Over Homeland Security

By John Lillpop

George W. Bush, for reasons known only to his therapist and pet snake, is intent on destroying America. Dubya's number one objective appears to be importing enough illegal aliens so that America itself will decay into a third-world cesspool akin to Mexico.

Excepting a few stalwart patriots, the Bush plan to trash America has wide support from liberals who salivate at the prospect of 12-30 million new instant Democrats.

Profit-driven corporations with little or no concern for U.S. homeland security, sovereignty, rule of law, and preservation of American language and culture, are also eager to legalize millions of people who will work for below-minimum wage and without benefits.

Of course, elitists like Bush and Ted Kennedy and their cronies in big business can dismiss concerns about the "Mexicanization" of America because their families will be isolated from the devastation.

Elitists' children will attend private schools free from the hordes of non-English speaking invaders who impede the instruction of real American students.

Learners in the Kennedy Klan will be exposed to foreign languages, but it will be optional and will more likely be French than guttural Mexican.

Elitists' homes will be in upscale residential areas where invaders cut lawns and scrub toilets. Having served their elitist clients, invaders return to barrio slums and tiny apartments shared by multiple families.

The lawns of estates in the Bush neighborhood will not be cluttered with a half-dozen broken down cars, tended to by beer guzzling criminals screaming obscenities in Mexican.

Elitists' churches and other places of worship will remain segregated by neighborhood and wealth. The only invaders Speaker Pelosi is likely to encounter at her place of worship are janitors who dust the pews and clean the baptismal font.

In other words, to out-of-touch elitists like George Bush, greedy business people, and Democrats, the deterioration of America will be virtually invisible.

However, for what remains of America's middle and lower classes, the Mexicanization of America will mean an abrupt and bitter end to the American Dream.

Liberal spin-doctors will even try to sell the ruination of America as a good thing because, according to the socialist's pledge of allegiance, "Diversity is our greatest strength!"

What hope is there if elitists in power cannot or will not understand the stupidity of open borders and amnesty?

Perhaps a graphic, but simple, analogy might help.

Let's say you planned a grand birthday party to celebrate your daughter's 10th birthday.

Your daughter's favorite treat is Dryer's deluxe ice cream so you plan to serve that delicacy on the big day.

On the day of the party, a liberal nut case crashes the party and heads for the ice cream vat. The interloper decides that the ice cream, although the very finest in the entire world, is too plain and thus decides to "spice up" the eagerly anticipated dessert.

She does so by adding a several scoops of potting soil to the vat of rich and creamy Dryer's ice cream.

In so doing, the liberal has achieved the highly-coveted socialist goal of "diversity."

Unfortunately, she has also ruined a vat of priceless ice cream, and destroyed a dream day for a precocious ten-year old.

Elitists must not be allowed to ruin our great heritage and culture for cheap labor, cheap votes, or very costly socialist schemes that would end the American dream for hundreds of millions of citizens who deserve much better!

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Dubya, Democrats, and RINOs: Can You Hear Us NOW?

By John W. Lillpop

George W. Bush, nearly all Democrats, RINOs, La Raza, and Hispanic racists everywhere, are finally starting to get the picture.

To those willing to listen, that truth is abundantly clear: Americans are FED UP with the invasion of America by third world criminals across the Mexican border.


We want our borders secured now.

We want existing immigration laws enforced now.

We want every illegal alien in this country deported as soon as practical.

We want English to be the official language of America.

We want public services intended for citizens to be denied to illegal aliens.

We want a systematic and intelligent approach to voter identification that will prevent illegal aliens from voting in our elections.

We want strict criminal and financial punishment for employers who hire illegal aliens.

We want our emergency rooms and medical centers to refuse service to illegal aliens so that those services can be available to citizens.

We want funds being sent by illegal aliens to Mexico to be seized and used to pay for public services stolen by illegal aliens.

We want our schools to be dedicated to teaching American children without the need to dumb down the cirriculum in order to accommodate non-English speaking illegal aliens.

We want U.S. law to be revised so that children born to illegal aliens are no longer automatically U.S. citizens.

We want all "anchor babies" born in the U.S. since 1980 to be rounded up and deported ASAP.

We want deportation policy to be based on the concept of illegal is illegal, rather than family is family.

We want our government to advise the Mexican government that Mexico must immediately take steps to stop the invasion of criminals into America across Mexican borders, or face severe military consequences.

We want our government to end all foreign aid to Mexico until that nation places Mexican military troops at the border with orders to keep aliens from illegally invading America.

We want our government to impose strict economic sanctions and boycotts of Mexican goods and services until unlawful migration from that nation is ended.

We want all illegal aliens in American prisons and jails to be used to harvest fruit and vegetable crops as needed, and then deported to Mexico.

We want invaders whom been deported, but who have managed to re-invade, to be immediately conscripted into the U.S. military and assigned to Iraq or Afghanistan. Following a two-year tour of duty, all such invaders to be returned to Mexico, with no stops in America.

We want all state agencies to immediately discontinue the practice of granting drivers' licenses to illegal aliens.

We want all governments to discontinue the practice of allowing illegal aliens and offspring to pay reduced in-state tuition.

We want the idiotic immigration legislation enacted in 1965 at the prompting of Ted Kennedy to be repealed in total, and replaced with immigration goals and quotas designed to serve the American people.

We want America's immigration policy to benefit America first and foremost, without regard to political correctness, racial and cultural diversity, and other socialist nonsense.

There you have it Dubya and gang. Can you hear us now?

John Lillpop
San Hose, California (There ain't no ~ in Hose, mate!)

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Monday, June 11, 2007

14 Reasons to Deport Illegal Aliens

Illegal aliens are a despicable, but reversible, curse on America.

These thieving criminals impact America's homeland security, sovereignty, economic and social stability, and threaten to destroy American language and culture.

It is estimated that there are between 12-30 million illegal aliens in America at the present time. That is about the population of Australia; several times the population of Haiti or Ireland.

There are probably more illegal aliens in America today than the total population of Iraq.

No other nation in world would allow an invasion of this scale and magnitude to occur without fighting back--most would use military force to prevent such an invasion.

Unfortunately, America is governed by an incompetent, foolish, and traitorous president. Checks and balances are in place, but the "oversight" America elected is even more incompetent and anti-American than the befuddled president.

A dedicated patriot, name unknown to me, has researched the issue of illegal immigration and has developed the following list of 14 reasons why deportations, not amnesty, is the best answer for America. He or she also took the time to list an appropriate web site reference to provide full details for each of the 14 categories.

Many are offered thanks to the anonymous researcher for providing a valuable public service.


1. Welfare:

2. Food Assistance:

3. Medicaid:

4. Education:

5. Education of Anchor Babies:

6. Incarceration in Jails and Prisons: $3 Million Dollars a DAY

7. 30 percent of all Federal Prison Inmates Are Illegal Aliens

8. Welfare & social services:

9. Suppressed Wages--Cost to American Workers:

10. High Rate of Crime

11. Drugs: Cocaine, Meth, and Marijuana

12. Cost of Deportation

13. Money Removed from American Economy and Sent to Countries of Origin

14. "The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration"

Summary: Using the lowest estimates, illegal aliens cost Americans more than $338 billion dollars a year.

Whereas, deportation would cost between $206 and $230 billion total.

In other words, let the deportations begin and Save America!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Doing Work Illegal Aliens Refuse to Do

By John W. Lillpop

America the great is the undisputed land of unlimited opportunities and prosperity.

If you have the heart and vision to excel, you can have it all here in the greatest society in recorded human history!

Those glowing words apparently apply even to those who have thumbed their noses at our borders and laws and who are illegal aliens.

They are not undocumented workers. They are not undocumented migrants.

And they are not undocumented whatever.

Call them what they really are--Illegal aliens and invaders!

That community of people has apparently progressed to the point where they can no longer be counted on to provide crucial stoop labor in America's agriculture sector.

At least that is the nonsense being peddled by open border advocates like George W. Bush, Diane Feinstein, et al. who are wringing their hands in angst at the alleged worker "shortage."

According to these agents of the Mexican government, America needs to bring even more foreigners in--- to do work that illegal aliens already here refuse to do!

Indeed, reports indicate that the "shortfall" of agricultural workers is partially the result of illegal aliens working in construction and other industries where they can make more money.

Besides, how in the world can there be a shortage of workers in a nation that is overwhelmed and overrun by illegal aliens?

With all due respect to the president and other liberals in congress, it is estimated that between 12 and 30 million illegal aliens reside in America right now.

Americans have been horrified recently at the sight of millions of illegal aliens marching through streets of Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas and other major cities to protest the rule of law.

Why are these criminals not rounded up, outfitted with straw hats, picking buckets, and other required farm-work paraphernalia, and shipped to the nearest needy grower?

Moreover, jail systems throughout America already use incarcerated inmates to clean parks and roadways.

And nearly 30 percent of incarcerated inmates in America are illegal aliens!

Why not force those here illegally, and in jail or prison, to help meet the needs of the American people for change?

Other venues for locating illegal immigrants: Day labor centers, car washes, fast-food eateries, emergency rooms, and home care centers like Home Depot.

Why are the congregated unwashed masses at these locations not harvested for America's benefit?

Bottom Line: There is NO shortage of unskilled labor in America. Those here illegally should not have the option of working for higher wages in jobs of their own choosing, and should be rounded up and sent to the fields--en route back to Mexico!

Finally, much like this nation's addiction to foreign oil, America is addicted to slave labor from the third world.

That addiction represents a major threat to homeland security, national sovereignty, economic and social stability, and preservation of American values and culture.

America needs to end this insidious addiction to slave labor by doing the following:

* Secure our borders, with military force if needed.
* Enforce all existing laws.
* Deport all illegal aliens currently in the United States.
* Prosecute and punish all business owners that undermine the national security by hiring illegal aliens, and
* Hold the Mexican government accountable for its role in the invasion of America by third-world criminals.

By cutting off the flow of illegal aliens, American politicians can do what is right for American working class families, while at the same time fighting terrorism and preserving our heritage and culture.

That, and not some foolish amnesty scheme promoted by Dubya and the Democrats, is what America wants and needs!

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Dubya Suffers Upset Stomach at G8: Amnesty Crow?

Satire By John W. Lillpop

Breaking news from Europe indicates that an upset stomach caused President Bush to miss several important meetings and events at the G8 summit in Europe.


Although no official announcement has been made by the White House, speculation is focused on three recent events back home that appear to have upset Dubya's delicate tummy.

Specifically, the president is said to be bothered by:

() The Paris Hilton crisis,

() Collapse of the bipartisan amnesty agreement in the U.S. Senate, and

() Dick Cheney's wonky heart defibrillator, and the possibility that Speaker Pelosi might move into the VP's office.

A team of top-notch constitutional lawyers is reportedly meeting with the president to discuss procedures for invoking the National Security Presidential Directive issued by the president on May 9 of this year.

Under the terms of that directive, the president may declare a national emergency and, having done so, may take whatever action he deems necessary to deal with the national crisis, without congressional or judicial oversight.

A rough draft of the presidential decree has been leaked to the press and reads as follows:

"In accordance with the powers vested in me, by me, in the National Security Presidential Directive dated May 9, 2007, I hereby declare a national emergency and order the following actions to be implemented immediately:

* Paris Hilton is hereby pardoned for all past, present, and future violations of local, state, and federal statutes, including all felonies and misdemeanors.

* All illegal aliens currently in America are hereby pardoned and set free to do work that Americans will not do, and

* The Presidential Succession Act of 1947, executed by President Harry S. Truman, provides that the Speaker of the House shall be second in the line of succession to the presidency. That Act is hereby rendered null and void.

In conjunction with the above steps, I hereby designate Harriet Miers of Texas to replace the Speaker of the House in the presidential line of succession.

This precautionary measure is taken to assure continuity of competent government in the unlikely event that Vice President Cheney and your president are both unable to serve at the same time.

These are dangerous and difficult times for Americans. But we Americans have always met our challenges head on.

I am confident that my order, officially titled the "Paris Hilton, Harriet Miers, and Illegal Alien Emancipation Act of 2007," will lead to greater opportunities and prosperity for all Americans."



John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Friday, June 08, 2007

George W. Bush: Presiding While Daft?

By John W. Lillpop

OK, so President Bush is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Maybe he is from the same genetic pool as, say, Nancy Pelosi when it comes to intellectual pedigree.

But damn, is the man also completely out of his pea-sized brain?

After having his head handed to him by the U.S. House in 2006 on illegal immigration, Dubya seemed to delight when Republicans lost both chambers in the mid-term elections. He apparently saw the new Democrat majorities as a golden opportunity to ram amnesty for 12-30 million illegal aliens down the throats of the American people.

However, Duyba's fortunes do not seem much improved with his new Democrat friends in power. That became obvious on June 7 when the U.S. Senate voted against cloture, prompting Majority Leader Harry Reid to pull the disastrous amnesty bill from the floor of the senate.

That was certainly good news and was cheered as the "death of amnesty" by those who still value rule of law, homeland security, American sovereignty, and preservation of American language and culture.

Of course, rule of law, homeland security, American sovereignty, and preservation of American language and culture are of absolutely no interest whatsoever to George W. Bush.

Thus, Dubya announced his plans to pump life into the deflated amnesty bill during a meeting with GOP senators in Washington early next week.

Yahoo News:

Once again, the president is refusing to accept the will of the American people, and continues to preside with a hidden agenda on this crucial issue.

How does one explain Bush's obsession with illegal aliens from Mexico?

Why does the president advocate so adamantly for people who have no legal basis for being in the country?

What mysterious motivation causes Bush to abandon common sense, logic and legitimate concerns for the best interests of America?

It is true that Bush has been equally rabid when it comes to the war in Iraq. But given the fact that 9/11 happened on his watch, Bush's obsession with that issue is somewhat understandable, if not wise.

But what about social security, Medicare reform, tort reform, and other pressing matters? Bush has worked hard to advance his agenda in these areas, but has more or less accepted the fact that gridlock essentially precludes any real progress.

Again, the question: Why is President Bush so completely and thoroughly obsessed with the fortunes of 12-30 million illiterate peasants from Mexico?

Why does he refuse to put the interests of 300 plus million Americans ahead of those illiterate, foreign peasants?

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Open Letter To Senators Boxer and Feinstein: Hold Mexico Accountable!

An Open Letter to California Senators

June 7, 2007

Dear Senators Boxer and Feinstein:

Immigration reform has failed, at least partially, because the United States has made no attempt whatsoever to hold Mexico accountable.

That was true in 1986, and is true in 2007 with the amnesty legislation currently being considered.

Lest we forget, most of the illegal aliens granted amnesty in 1986, as well as the 12-30 million who have invaded since, came from Mexico.

Because of ineptness, or a deliberate conspiracy to dump its problems on the backs of U.S. taxpayers, or both, the Mexican government has failed to prevent illegal crossing into America.

According to a report produced by the World Bank titled "Democratic Governance in Mexico: Beyond the Capture of the State and Social Polarization," a majority of the identifiable problems in Mexico are directly related to corruption.


Before further action is taken with respect to reform, congress and our president should consider reducing or eliminating all foreign aid and imposing severe economic sanctions until Mexico acts responsibly.

American taxpayers have been forced to fund Mexico's inept and corrupt government long enough.

Time for Mexico to solve Mexico's problems, rather than exporting those problems north!

Please support no legislation that grants amnesty to invading criminals and which fails to hold Mexico responsible for its role in aiding and abetting those criminals.

Thank you.

John W Lillpop
San Jose California

"Dubya Moments" Feeding Frenzy at G8

Satire By John W. Lillpop

Now that President Bush has arrived safely for the G8 summit, all of America is bracing for the inevitable onslaught of "Dubya Moments" from a world media obsessed with making our president look and sound goofier than he actually is.

Whether it is an unwelcome wink at the Queen of England, an unsolicited groping of Germany's Chancellor, or a crass Yo! Blair directed at England's Prime Minister with his mouth full of crumpets, our president can be counted on to deliver enough bloopers to keep the world in stitches---and anxious Americans on Valium and in their cups--- for eight solid days.

In fact, given Bush's prolific faux pau numbers, it is a wonder that he is still allowed to leave the Oval Office.

Except, that is, for meals, potty breaks, and fund raisers at Bush family reunions, where friendly audiences and armed Marines can be counted on to keep most presidential missteps from becoming "Breaking News!"

Unfortunately, the G8 summit is not a Bush family reunion, so the worldwide media will be looking for any and all Dubya Moments to exploit.

Speculating about what Bush will or will not do is always risky; however, it seems a safe bet that at some point over the next eight days, Bush will do one or more of the following:

* Chide Vladimir Putin about the cold war being over, while insisting that placing U.S. missile defense bases in Europe poses no threat to Russia, unless Vladi continues his backsliding and reckless derailment of democratic reforms;

* Offer to rub Angela Merkel's back provided that the German Chancellor drops her silly idea about cutting emissions by 50 per cent. "Been there, done that," Dubya says, referring to his mauling of Merkel at the 2006 G8.

* Offer to help France with its illegal alien problem by taking in a couple of million or so into America.

To be eligible, aliens from France must speak Spanish, not speak or understand any English, and have experience picking avocados in 100 degree heat for fourteen hours a day, and

* Restate his opposition to gay marriage by declaring that "Men Only" or "Women Only" marriages are morally wrong because they lack diversity, and, don't you know Dubya is America's Diversity President?

Irrespective of which Dubya Moments actually make it to Breaking News, one can rest assured that they will be wildly entertaining to most of the world, and incentive for most Americans to destroy their birth certificates and all other damning evidence of U.S. citizenship!

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

"Comprehensive" Reform Is Sheer Folly Unless Mexico Is Held Accountable

By John W. Lillpop

The 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) had a major flaw that contributed to its complete failure: IRCA included nothing that would require the Mexican government to act responsibly!

Lest we forget, most of the three million illegal aliens to whom the U.S. granted amnesty in 1986 came here courtesy of Mexico.

Likewise, the majority of the 12-30 million illegal aliens whom have invaded the United States since 1986 are here because of the Mexican government.

Either the Mexican government has failed to act responsibly to keep people from crossing its borders illegally into America, or has deliberately conspired to dump its problems on the backs of American taxpayers, or a combination of both.

Call it corruption and incompetence by the Mexican Elite.

Whatever the reason, the simple fact is that America's homeland security,
sovereignty, and social and economic stability are being seriously undermined because the Mexican government has refused to act responsibly.

Unfortunately, the amnesty travesty now before congress does nothing to hold Mexico accountable for its role in aiding and abetting illegal aliens.

It makes absolutely no sense for our government to even pretend to be serious about enforcing our borders and immigration laws without forcing Mexico to do its part.

According to a recent report produced by the World Bank titled "Democratic Governance in Mexico: Beyond the Capture of the State and Social Polarization," a majority of the identifiable problems facing the Mexican economy are directly related to bureaucratic corruption.

Before any further action is taken with respect to immigration, congress and our president should be required to read the World Bank report to understand the true nature of the problems and to apply intelligent solutions.


One thing is abundantly clear: For any reform to be considered ”comprehensive," it must include specific provisions that require Mexico to be held accountable.

Those provisions should include reducing or eliminating all foreign aid sent from the U.S. to Mexico and severe economic sanctions against Mexico's corrupt and inept government.

American taxpayers must no longer be required to fund the third-world corruption that is Mexico's government.

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

McCain Warns Deportations Could Lead to Riots!

By John W. Lillpop

Just when the dust was beginning to settle following President Bush's latest assault on common sense, in which he accused conservatives of "spreading fear" by being honest about amnesty, Senator John McCain decided that fear mongering was not such a bad tactic after all.

In fact, McCain decided that fear mongering was essential in trying to sell his amnesty snake oil to a skeptical and increasingly suspicious public.

On June 2, McCain rolled out his fear-based defense of amnesty on the campaign trail in Le Mars, Iowa. Responding to a question about deportation of illegal aliens, McCain delivered the following dilly:

"In case you hadn't noticed, the thousands of people who have been relegated to ghettos have risen up and burned cars in France,'' McCain said. ``They've got huge problems in France. They have tremendous problems. The police can't even go into certain areas in the suburbs of Paris. I don't want that in the suburbs of America.''

Globe Gazette:

With all due respect to the senator from Arizona, warning American citizens that government cannot enforce the law because it would lead to rioting is blatant fear mongering at it's lowest and most despicable.

It is also irresponsible and reckless, because it conveys a very dangerous message, which is:

"America is governed by the rule of law, except when the threat of anarchy and violence is too great. In which case, congress and the president will simply change the law to legalize what had been illegal, thereby pacifying those guilty of behavior once considered unlawful."

And we conservatives honestly believe that liberal Democrats are the anti-rule of-law bad actors?

Apart from the fact that John McCain's latest drivel borders on
insanity, it also illogical and may unintentionally make the case against his amnesty scheme.

For instance, how will illegal aliens react to the requirement that heads of households must return to Mexico for a brief period in order to qualify?

How about those $5,000 fines and fees, not an insignificant amount for a low-income peasant family?

And what self-respecting, macho Latino would take kindly to the notion that his or her future was dependent upon learning English and proving it?

Now that a sitting U.S. senator and leading candidate for the presidency has warned that mob rule, rather rule of law, may be the foundation for future government immigration policy and action, will the illegal alien community decide to play the R card (riot!) in order to get its way?

Finally, McCain and others intent on legalizing 12-30 million illegal aliens argue that amnesty makes sense because Latino aliens share values common to the majority of Americans.

That may be so, but I'll be damned if I can recall a single instance when millions of American citizens resorted to rioting because of displeasure with legitimate laws and enforcement.

But perhaps a little fear mongering from citizens is what is needed to convince the likes of John McCain, Ted Kennedy, and George Bush to abandon their amnesty nonsense?

Riot, anyone?

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Dear America: What Will You Do When George Bush Surrenders to Mexico?

John W. Lillpop

Picture the ugly scene, if you have the heart and or stomach:

A breaking news bulletin interrupts regular broadcasting on all major networks during prime time. Television cameras zoom in on the White House where a historic piece of legislation is being about to become law by virtue of approval by President G.W. Bush.

At the center of the stage sits President Bush, smiling broadly at the Democrats and RINOs who made amnesty for illegal aliens possible. That would include Democrat senators Reid and Kennedy, and Republicans McCain and Graham. The U.S. House would be represented by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the Sanchez sisters, and other advocates for illegal aliens.

With a stroke of his presidential pen, G. W. Bush will grant legal status to the 12-30 million illegal alien criminals who have invaded America since 1986, when wholesale amnesty was last granted.

Once Bush is finished, former illegal aliens will comprise anywhere from 3-8% of the total United States population.

Nearly all of the “hardworking, goodhearted” illegal aliens that Bush will legalize will vote Democrat for the remainder of their lives, thereby effectively ending the two party system in America.

Mexicans still living in Mexico, but disenchanted with life there, will see the latest amnesty as a sure sign that invading America can be accomplished with impunity. It will be abundantly clear that America’s “conservative” president is adamant in his refusal to enforce U.S. borders and immigration laws.

Thus, scores of millions of additional illegal aliens will head north with little or no concern for U.S. borders and immigration laws.

G.W. Bush will go down in history as the president who actively campaigned for the invasion of America by foreigners from a third-world nation. He will be remembered as the president who discarded American sovereignty, rule of law, language, and culture in exchange for cheap lettuce and fruit.

He will also be remembered as the president who sent American men and women 8,000 miles from home to fight for Iraq and Afghanistan, but who abandoned the American people at our southern border.

Finally, G.W. Bush will be remembered as the president who abandoned the Republican party and consigned it to permanent minority status.

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.