Impossible to Deport Millions of Illegal Aliens? Says Who?
by John W. Lillpop
During his reign as the "worst president in U.S. history," President George W. Bush has undertaken the onerous task of converting Muslim dictatorships and theocracies in the Middle East into enlightened democracies.
The president apparently believes that America can, and should, determine the form of government under which more than a billion Muslims should live.
But while our commander-in-chief has been chomping at the bit to impose American ideology on Muslims in nations thousands of miles removed from our shores, he has been missing in action when it comes to defending America's own borders and enforcing immigration laws here at home.
Most distressing is Bush's assertion that deportation of millions of illegal aliens is “impossible.”
How in the world can it be “impossible” for the most powerful and technologically advanced nation in the world to remove criminals who have invaded our nation at time of war?
Surely the greatest hope for the civilized world in the global “war on terror” is not helpless when it comes to criminals inside its own borders? Some of whom are surely terrorists?
If America is really that impotent, Osama bin Laden and other Islamofascists will see that as great news, and a source of inspiration for continuing their Jihad on the civilized world.
Moreover, if America is unable, or unwilling, to control who enters and who stays here, victory for terrorism and world domination by Islamic extremists are all but assured.
Is that really the message you wish to convey to the world, Mr. President?
The great-unanswered question in all of this is:
Why has President Bush always acted on behalf of illegal aliens, rather than American citizens?
Why does he arrogantly and foolishly deny the truth?
Namely, illegal aliens:
*Feed at the public trough for health care, education, food, housing and other vital services to which they were not entitled.
*Overwhelm American hospitals, medical clinics, and emergency rooms and refuse to pay for medical services received.
*Force medical facilities into bankruptcy, resulting in the loss of vital medical services for American citizens.
*Manage to send $30-40 billion a year back to Mexico while dumping their medical bills on the backs on U.S. taxpayers..
*Refuse to learn English, and demand that America provide services in Spanish at considerable cost to American citizens.
*Impede the education of American children because of language and cultural issues.
*Demand driver’s licenses despite being in America illegally, and demand that driver instruction and testing materials be in Spanish.
*Demand reduced tuition rates offered to American students here legally.
*Unlawfully vote in U.S. election and alter election results.
*Overwhelm America's penal system, making it impossible to deal effectively with the citizen inmate population.
*Engage in wholesale forgery of vital public documents and commit identity theft in order to secure employment, education, credit, and access to public services.
*Take to the streets to protest pending legislation that would tighten border security and enforce the nation’s immigration laws
*Wave the Mexican flag and scream “Yes, we can!” and “We are America" in Spanish as they march to protest the rule of law in America
*Cry “racism” every time they are criticized for being in America illegally or challenged to learn English and assimilate into American society.
In other words, these corrupt third-world banditos are under the misguided notion that America has no sovereign rights or borders, and that our great nation should be open to every Mexican peasant whom decides, unilaterally, to squat in America.
And the government of Mexico has violated the sovereignty and borders of America by encouraging millions of illiterate peasants to invade America.
Again, the unanswered question: Why does U.S. President George W. Bush consistently side with Mexico and illegal aliens, instead of fighting on behalf of Americans?
John Lillpop is a recovering liberal
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