Where Will the Next 20 Million Illegal Aliens Come From? Will They Be Welcome?
By John W. Lillpop
Democrats, RINOs, and our liberal president continue to seek to end the rule of law as a basic governing precept in America in order to provide amnesty to 12-30 million illegal aliens.
This idiotic mind set is very dangerous because many illegal aliens have visions of remaking America into a Mexico-north cutting off the flow of blood to their craniums, thereby causing foggy thinking, or worse.
Objective historians will no doubt record the Dubya-Kennedy tag team as the one that gave America “No Child Left Behind,” followed by the failed attempt to legislate “No Mexican Illegal Alien Denied” in 2007.
One can only hope that future scholars choose to document the fact that the failed amnesty legislation was crafted by a liberal very much in his cups, and approved by a dyslexic cowboy and former imbiber supposedly in recovery.
Score two for alcohol!
But what happens if the next 12-20 million illegal aliens are not illiterate Latino peasants willing to work for next to nothing and without benefits?
What if educated professionals from around the globe suddenly decide to invade America in pursuit of the American Dream?
For instance, there must be 100 million disaffected Chinese citizens who would love to move to the United States. If only those pesky immigration rules were not in the way!
Given the invasion from Mexico that has been condoned by our government, who can argue, with any moral or logical conviction, that scores of millions of Chinese, Haitians, or Iraqis, or any combination thereof, should not be welcomed into America with open arms and wallets, even if they do come illegally?
And what of the millions of people from Russia and other nations in the former Soviet Union who continue to suffer in poverty and disadvantage?
Now that many U.S. politicians have abandoned all common sense about rule of law, borders, and legal immigration, what is stopping 30 or 40 million Ruskies from moving to California, Arizona, and Texas?
Of course, RINOs and big corporate moguls might not be so immigrant-friendly if the illegal aliens insisted on $30/hour rather the meager pittances commanded by janitors, gardeners, and fast-food slaves from Mexico and points south.
Democrats might find open borders, amnesty, and abandonment of rule of law to be a real stinker if the invaders were educated and less vulnerable to liberal propaganda.
For instance, would Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid be so impassioned about a “path to citizenship” if the invaders were overwhelmingly conservative, and likely to swell the ranks of the Republican Party? Me thinks not.
How would Hispanics respond if a border town in Texas became inundated with illegal aliens from Russia who demanded that their children be taught in their native tongue, and that ballots be printed in Russian?
Would the first Russian mayor be celebrated by Hispanics as a shining example of American diversity?
Would Hispanics here illegally be open to compassion for those who speak perfect Russian or Chinese, but not a word of Spanish? And who refuse to even try?
Barbara Simpson, a popular conservative radio talk show host in San Francisco, has a saying that sums it up very well:
“Be Careful what you pray for. You might just get it!”
John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.
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