Illegal Aliens Must Go!

America was built by Immigrants--LEGAL immigrants. Illegal aliens have no legal or moral basis for being in America. All illegal aliens must be deported and U.S. borders must be secured to prevent more invaders from coming here!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Liberal Governor's Partial Epiphany on Illegal Aliens!

By John W. Lillpop

Washington State Governor Chris Gregoire is not likely to be mistaken for a right-wing ideologue anytime soon. She is, after all, the Democrat "leader" whom allowed an atheist rant to be placed next to a Nativity scene in Olympia, Washington just before Christmas. (1)

Gregoire's godless, goofy and gutless cave-in to political correctness denied good and honorable people the right to "unfettered" speech, which, although not specifically mandated by the U.S. Constitution, should be, and will be, once we regain power.

However, notwithstanding Governor Gregoire's mental deficit, a malady that afflicts all who practice liberalism for more than 15 consecutive months without a break, the grand old gal experienced somewhat of an Epiphany when it comes to the care and nurturing of illegal aliens during times of economic distress.

Specifically, because Gregoire's Washington faces a $5.7 million budget shortfall, the governor has decided that certain illegal aliens clogging up state prisons and jails should be deported. (2)

This common sense move, which should have been taken 20 years ago, will save Washington taxpayers $9 million dollars by transferring illiterate peasants back to Mexico and other points south for taxpayers in the nations of origin to deal with.

Governor Gregoire deserves kudos for taking a small baby step in the right direction. However, if she really cared about citizens and taxpayers, she would demand that all illegal aliens, not just those whom are incarcerated, be rounded up and shipped out.

In fact, because of their large families and inability to care for offspring, illegal aliens on the outside are more expensive and a greater source for fraud and abuse than amigos held behind bars.

The governor needs to take the lead in convincing Democrat governors that coddling illegal aliens is folly during good economic times and even more of a disaster during a recession.

Collectively, Democrat governors need to stop selling out American citizens just to support non-citizens with no legal or moral basis for being here.

Perhaps with good political leadership to emulate, the light of truth will spread to California, where Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger refuses to close the state's huge budget problem by demanding that illegal aliens be sent home.

As it is, California wastes more than $10 billion a year on people who do not belong here to begin with!

Of course, Hispanic nut cakes will immediately resist any efforts to remove illegal aliens by raising the canard that deportation is based on racial profiling.

Guess what, folks? Americans are fed up with the invasion of America by third-world peasants, and we the people believe it is perfectly OK to use the most effective tools available against invading criminals.

The greatest priority must be to get these scam artists and free loaders off the backs of American citizens and taxpayers!




Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas from Mexico

By John W. Lillpop

For years, President Bush has refused to enforce U.S. borders and laws against invasions from third-world Mexico based on his foolish belief that Mexicans share American family values and should be welcomed regardless of the rule of law, American sovereignty, and the well being of American citizes.

This delusional thinking ignores the fact that Mexico is a dangerous and corrupt sewer-nation that exports its raw garbage to America in the form of invading illegal aliens whom come here to live off the backs of American taxpayers.

Two current stories in the news tell the story about Mexico:

Headless in Guerrero

From Fox News (1), this report of brutal savagery and murder by Mexican heathen:

"Authorities found the decapitated bodies of nine men in the southern state of Guerrero on Sunday, and some of the victims have been identified as soldiers.

"State Public Safety Secretary Juan Salinas Altes said the bodies were found on a major boulevard in the state capital, Chilpancingo, just a few hundred yards from where the state governor was scheduled to participate in a traditional religious procession later in the day.

"Salinas Altes said experts are still trying to identify the bodies, but he said a still-undetermined number of them are soldiers. An army base is located nearby.

"Mexico has been hit by a rising wave of drug-fueled violence, and officials estimate that more than 5,300 people have died in organized-crime-related slayings so far in 2008.

"Mexican drug cartels have increasingly taken to chopping the heads off their victims, who include rival traffickers or lawmen. "On Aug. 28, a dozen decapitated bodies were found outside Merida, the capital of Yucatan state.

"Two other severed heads were found on the same boulevard in Chilpancingo on Dec. 7 alongside a sign reading: "Soldiers who are supposedly fighting crime, and they turn out to be kidnappers. This is going to happen to you."

Beauty Queen Arrested for Traveling With Alleged Mobsters

From (2), this story of a 23-year old beauty queen that should be a real hit in Mexican prisons:

"Will her beauty fade in an orange prison jumpsuit?

"The question now hangs over Laura Zuniga, 23, who emerged this summer as the reigning beauty queen of Sinaloa, the Mexican Pacific Coast state known for its stunning women and vicious gangsters.

"She won Miss Hispanic America 2008 in a November pageant in Bolivia, placed third in the Miss Mexico contest and was heading to a global competition in Asia next year.

"But Zuniga is ending the year in police custody after being arrested late Monday traveling with seven alleged mobsters, including a boyfriend identified by federal police as a top member of the so-called Juarez Cartel.

"Soldiers acting on a tip detained Zuniga and the seven men at a checkpoint as they cruised a Guadalajara suburb in two weapons-packed trucks.

"Her father told reporters in Culiacan, the Sinaloa state capital, that Zuniga told him she was going to a Christmas party.

"The jailed beauty queen told police the group was heading for Colombia and Bolivia on "a shopping trip."

"Most cocaine smuggled through Mexico to U.S. consumers comes from Bolivia or Colombia.

"Arrested along with Zuniga was Orlando Garcia Urquiza, whom Mexican federal police identified Tuesday as a top operator for the Carrillo Fuentes smuggling organization based in Ciudad Juarez, which borders El Paso."


These two stories make it clear that Mexico has all but descended into civil war and that drug cartels and beauty queens are poised to take over this miserable nation.

Yet folks like George W. Bush would have us believe that Mexicans share American values and should be welcomed here, even if illegal, by the millions. Why?

Reference (1),2933,470710,00.html

Reference (2)

Friday, December 12, 2008

More Bail Out Outrage: $197 Million to Mexico!

By John W. Lillpop

Because we the people have been so preoccupied with the $850 billion bailout of Wall Street, the wrangling back and forth for billions more in welfare to auto makers, and the hilarious sitcom in which the Democrat Party has imploded in HDTV before our very eyes, critically important news has escaped the wrath it so richly deserves.

Specifically, while Americans were focused on the ongoing demolition of our economy and serious challenges to President-elect Obama's integrity, the Bush administration released $197 million dollars to third world Mexico on December 3.

Regrettably, that is just the first payment of a $400 million aid package slated to be sent to Mexico, ostensibly to be used to fight drug cartels. (1)

Pause and ponder: While America's economy teeters on the brink of depression, the U.S. sends hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to a hopelessly corrupt, inept foreign nation, in the hope that those millions might be used to keep Mexico's drugs out of America.

That is incredibly stupid, at best. It would be like paying to have a neighbor's smelly garbage hauled away because he refuses to do so, thereby causing said garbage to overflow onto your pristine property.

Consider this report from the Los Angles Times (2), about how Mexico's highest-ranking drug official (until he resigned in July), reflects south of the border values and culture when it comes to drug cartels:

"Noe Ramirez Mandujano, a veteran federal prosecutor who headed an elite organized crime unit was arrested on suspicion of passing intelligence to drug gangsters based in the northwestern state of Sinaloa, Mexican Atty. Gen. Eduardo Medina Mora said."

That information was known to the U.S. before $197 million dollars of our money were released to Mexico. Talk about goofy thinking and good money chasing bad!

No doubt, that $197 million check from the U.S. Treasury has been deposited in a special Mexican bank account designated as the " Noe Ramirez Mandujano defense fund."

The Mexican bail out would not be quite so outrageous were it not for the fact that anywhere from 12-38 million illegal aliens from Mexico are currently squatting in America at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars in stolen public services each year.

Furthermore, millions of those illegal aliens are employed in jobs that are desperately needed by American citizens as our economy continues to unravel.

Rather than sending even another peso to corrupt Mexico, America needs to secure our borders with military force and move to deport each and every illegal alien.

How likely is that?

There is a bright side: With our nation perilously close to economic collapse, amnesty for illegal aliens is clearly dead.

However, will our leaders muster the courage to face reality and begin the process of forcibly removing illegal aliens in order to save America?

Referenced Links:



Sunday, December 07, 2008

Fix the Illegal Alien Mess as part of the Economic Recovery Plan

Open Letter to California Senators Feinstein and Boxer: Fix the Illegal Alien Mess as part of the Economic Recovery Plan

December 7, 2008

Senator Diane Feinstein
Senator Barbara Boxer
Washington, D.C.

Dear Senators Feinstein and Boxer:

President-elect Obama has recently announced his intent to approve a major economic recovery plan upon assuming office on January 20. This plan is envisioned to put millions of Americans to work on roads, bridges, schools, and other infrastructure, which has been long ignored.

It is expected that the plan will cost taxpayers at least one trillion dollars.

While the programs identified for action are important and worthy, there is yet another urgent project that should be addressed:

The public works initiative that America really needs would save all levels of government hundreds of billions of dollars a year in stolen public services; free up to 30 percent of space taken in federal, state and local prisons and jails; improve education dramatically by reducing class sizes and limiting the number of students unable to keep up because of language and cultural barriers; strengthen homeland security during time of war; significantly reduce the number of people without health insurance; and solve the jobs crisis.

Specifically, unemployed and under employed American citizens should be hired to help the federal government end, and reverse, illegal immigration, a problem that has plagued America's economic, social, cultural, and educational systems.

Those systems were designed and intended for use by tax paying citizens, rather than by free loading illegal aliens.

In working to address the illegal alien disaster, American citizens should be used to complete the border fence between the U.S. and Mexico. That fence should include appropriate fencing in every location where America shares a border with Mexico, and should be given the priority needed to complete the project within six months.

Furthermore, needy American citizens should be used to ferret out and physically return to Mexico the 12-38 million aliens currently here illegally. With minimal training, citizens could be taught how to find illegal aliens and how to work with law enforcement authorities to deport said criminals.

Not only would this project put needy Americans to work on a rule of law issue vital to our sovereignty and independence, but deporting illegals who currently hold jobs would free those positions for citizens.

With America committed to spending trillions of dollars of taxpayer money to revive an ailing economy, let us use this opportunity to fix the illegal alien mess, once and for all, by building a viable border fence and by deporting every last invading criminal back to his or her third world nation of origin.

Your support will be greatly appreciated.


John W. Lillpop
San Jose, Ca

A Worthy Public Works Project: Ending the Illegal Alien Disaster

By John W. Lillpop

While President-elect Obama schemes to put 2.5 million Americans to work on roads, bridges, schools, electronic medical records, energy and the like, there is an even more urgent project that should be perused for the benefit of our great nation.

The public works initiative that America really needs would save all levels of government hundreds of billions of dollars a year in stolen public services; free up to 30 percent of space taken at federal, state and local prisons and jails; improve education dramatically by reducing class sizes and limiting the number of students who "dumb down" the process because of language and cultural barriers; strengthen homeland security during time of war; significantly reduce the number of people without health insurance; and solve the jobs crisis.

The project: Use unemployed citizens to complete the border fence between the U.S. and Mexico. Allocate additional funds in the Economic Recovery Package to expand the border fence to every place where America shares a border with third-world Mexico.

In addition, needy American citizens should be used to ferret out and physically return to Mexico the 12-38 million invading criminals currently squatting here illegally. With minimal training, citizens could be taught how to find illegal aliens and how to work with law enforcement authorities to immediately deport said criminals.

With escorts from armed authorities, citizens could also be used to drive invading criminals to the Mexican border and oversee the off loading of said criminals on Mexican soil.

Not only would this project put needy Americans to work on a rule of law issue vital to our sovereignty and independence, but deporting illegals who currently hold jobs would free those positions for citizens.

With America committed to spending trillions of dollars of taxpayer money to revive an ailing economy, let us use this opportunity to fix the illegal alien mess, once and for all, by building a viable border fence and by deporting every last invading criminal back to his or her third world nation of origin!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Remembering Bob Clark and "A Christmas Story"

By John W. Lillpop

Yet another Christmas season has been made more joyful by being able to watch Bob Clark's delightful film, "A Christmas Story."

In many American homes, Clark's 1983 award-winning film has joined "A Christmas Carol," "It's a Wonderful Life," and "Miracle on 34th Street" as mandatory Yuletide fare.

Christmas simply would not be the "most wonderful time of the year" without watching all four of these great movies at least once each December.

Unfortunately for all who love Christmas, Bob Clark was not around to celebrate last Christmas. That is so because the prolific filmmaker, whose career spanned four decades, was killed in an automobile crash caused by a drunken driver in California on April 4, 2006.

Hector Velazquez-Nava, an illegal alien from Mexico, had a blood alcohol level three times the legal limit when he claimed the lives of both Clark and his 22-year-old son, Ariel Hanrath-Clark.

On October 16, 2007, Hector Velazquez-Nava was sentenced to six years in prison after pleading no contest to two counts of gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated.

Pity that the illegal alien was not subjected to cruel and unusual punishment.

According to some estimates, about 13 Americans are slaughtered every day, on average, by drunken illegal aliens like Hector Velazquez-Nava.


Despite the carnage caused by illegal aliens, the mainstream media refuses to acknowledge and report the extent of the problem. Political correctness seems more vital than objective reporting, at least in some leftist news rooms.

In addition to media malfeasance in reporting the facts, America's political leaders, including our president, constantly argue that those coming here illegally from Mexico should be welcomed en masse because they hold values common to the American people.

One wonders if our so-called leaders are even aware of the horrors involving illegal aliens, too much alcohol, and the slaughter of innocent Americans?

Or do they simply not care?

The simple truth is that illegal aliens are not all good hearted, hard working folks who just come here to work. Many are violent criminals who should be rounded up and booted out of America before they commit more crime.

Moreover, illegal aliens do not share American values.

By definition, all illegal aliens are criminals, but most Americans are not.

Another example: Driving while drunk is considered "cool" and "macho" in Mexican culture, but is seen as stupid and recklessly criminal in America.

The solution? Our borders should be militarized to keep invaders out, and those already here should be rounded up and forcibly removed as soon as possible.